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New Come on... Admit it...
you'd like to bone her. If you don't care for brownies, she could probably make some kind of organic pudding, smear it all over your body and slowly lick it off...

Just a few thoughts,


Living is easy with eyes closed
misunderstanding all you see,
it's getting hard to be someone but it all works out
it doesn't matter much to me

J. Lennon - Strawberry Fields Forever
New You would not believe....
....the mental picture you gave me with the "organic pudding" comment. I need to wash my mind out with soap.

And no, the boning of Martha has never been a desire of mine.
"A civilian gang of thieving lobbyists for the military industrial complex is running the White House. If to be against them is considered unpatriotic -- Hell, then call me a traitor."
-- Hunter S. Thompson
New A Short Bio

Started as a model in New York. Voted "Best Dressed College Girl for 1961". Married at 21, she soon evolved into a harridan. Climbed to the top over the backs of her friends. Finally became one of the richest women in the country through hard work, towering ambition, and astonishing shrewdness.

She has Sun conjunct Pluto in Leo, which is intercepted in the 8th house; a very sexy arrangement - also a tremendous lust for power.

She was probably a tiger in the sack.
New Heh..
that neat psyche-inventory reminded me of the comment of a contemporary Sage, when asked [something about 'astrology']. He replied, "Astrology good science. No good astrologers". [now implicit]

I still find occasion for a chortle, especially after wading through some brand new rephrased psychobabble du jour - that 'throwing out the babe with the bathwater' is our fav buffer and rationale for ignoring the wisdom accumulated over thousands of years. We'll trade that for a New-TLA in a trice.

(I tend to the view that bizness has so made daily lying an acceptable activity that, 'we' are no longer capable of extirpating the gems from the dross - the noise has rendered discrimination a lost quality in homo-Consumeriensis.)

Saggitarians give good bow
New Coudn't finish it
I tried to read it, but every non-quote, descriptive term I read for 3 or 4 pages was denigrating. As much as i dislike the woman, I truly doubt she is the harridan this article makes her out to be. But then again.....
"A civilian gang of thieving lobbyists for the military industrial complex is running the White House. If to be against them is considered unpatriotic -- Hell, then call me a traitor."
-- Hunter S. Thompson
     The Weasel Awards - (marlowe) - (23)
         Bien sur... - (bepatient) - (20)
             Martha's getting a raw deal - (drewk) - (19)
                 Agreed - (deSitter) - (13)
                     Greed is good... - (screamer) - (12)
                         Too. Much. Information. *SHUDDER* -NT - (inthane-chan)
                         Exactly! - (deSitter) - (1)
                             yabbut that screechy chirpy voice - (boxley)
                         the Gordon Gecko speech - (lincoln) - (2)
                             Since you asked... "Boesky", IIRC. -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                 Ivan, not Marvin, Boesky - thanks, Google! - (lincoln)
                         Now you've gone and done it. - (Silverlock) - (5)
                             Come on... Admit it... - (screamer) - (4)
                                 You would not believe.... - (Silverlock)
                                 A Short Bio - (deSitter) - (2)
                                     Heh.. - (Ashton)
                                     Coudn't finish it - (Silverlock)
                 True... - (bepatient)
                 I read recently...... - (Mike)
                 One thing that you might not have noticed... - (ben_tilly) - (2)
                     No, I cetainly *hadn't* noticed; does change things a bit -NT - (drewk)
                     Not anymore - (lincoln)
         Note: M$ beat out all the Famous Baddies.. by 2X over #2 -NT - (Ashton)
         Re: The Weasel Awards - (pwhysall)

Nothing like the smell of Nadsat in the morning!
111 ms