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New One thing that you might not have noticed...
She is on the board of the NYSE.

Damn straight she should know the rules and be held to the highest possible standard. Besides she broke the law, they didn't. (Now does the law deserve fixing? Yes, and it has been changed.)

"Career politicians are inherently untrustworthy; if it spends its life buzzing around the outhouse, it\ufffds probably a fly."
- [link|http://www.nationalinterest.org/issues/58/Mead.html|Walter Mead]
New No, I cetainly *hadn't* noticed; does change things a bit
Microsoft offers them the one thing most business people will pay any price for - the ability to say "we had no choice - everyone's doing it that way." -- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=38978|Andrew Grygus]
New Not anymore
She quit 2 weeks ago.

"Four score and seven years ago, I had a better sig"
     The Weasel Awards - (marlowe) - (23)
         Bien sur... - (bepatient) - (20)
             Martha's getting a raw deal - (drewk) - (19)
                 Agreed - (deSitter) - (13)
                     Greed is good... - (screamer) - (12)
                         Too. Much. Information. *SHUDDER* -NT - (inthane-chan)
                         Exactly! - (deSitter) - (1)
                             yabbut that screechy chirpy voice - (boxley)
                         the Gordon Gecko speech - (lincoln) - (2)
                             Since you asked... "Boesky", IIRC. -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                 Ivan, not Marvin, Boesky - thanks, Google! - (lincoln)
                         Now you've gone and done it. - (Silverlock) - (5)
                             Come on... Admit it... - (screamer) - (4)
                                 You would not believe.... - (Silverlock)
                                 A Short Bio - (deSitter) - (2)
                                     Heh.. - (Ashton)
                                     Coudn't finish it - (Silverlock)
                 True... - (bepatient)
                 I read recently...... - (Mike)
                 One thing that you might not have noticed... - (ben_tilly) - (2)
                     No, I cetainly *hadn't* noticed; does change things a bit -NT - (drewk)
                     Not anymore - (lincoln)
         Note: M$ beat out all the Famous Baddies.. by 2X over #2 -NT - (Ashton)
         Re: The Weasel Awards - (pwhysall)

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