There are just as many examples of the US government doing exactly the same thing. The "anti-hawks" will use these examples regularly to make the point that we (the US) are not blameless for the hate instilled against our country...but I use that same pattern recognition in this case and y'all are jumping up and down telling me the CIA (puleaze) doesn't agree with me so I must be wrong?Emphasis added.
Yes, there are specific examples of the US governments behaviour.
Specific and documented.
Those examples establish a pattern.
Now, you attempt to take the US pattern and say that it applies to Iraq in this case.
Yet you have no specific examples of Iraqi behaviour to support that pattern.
Because the US has done so, you claim that Iraq has done so.
Your support for this claim is based, not in facts, but in the POSSIBILITY that Iraq COULD have done so.
Al Capone cheated on his taxes.
Al Capone killed people.
Mr. X cheates on his taxes.
Therefore, Mr. X MIGHT also be a murderer.
He might, he might not.
And the logic is flawed.
But you will never understand that.