You know my and Confucius's views on er mangling Language.. But human Language is indeed a complex, never perfectly specific, ever-growing nexus - we understand why translation is imperfect, is an art across the ages.

HTML OTOH - (somewhat like Sanskrit, its origin being intentional too, so as to enable some exchange of ineffable material a bit more successfully) - has *Standards* and deals exclusively in Boolean relationships: NOT ever - matters of 'opinion' and comfort with, "wouldn't it be nice if ___ were true, so it could accord with my personal hopes?"

Perhaps the atrocity known as This site best viewed with Web-Monopoly 5.77alpha is the stark indicator of the cost of intentionally- commercially-corrupted (mere HTML)-Language ? A red flag er Code Red, to coin a phrase.

Are we collectively (heh) Smart enough yet, to see the parallel of intentional corruption for Profit being congruent to, Goebbels's intentional corruption / named Propaganda / for the accretion of Power ??

I see these as perfectly cross-linked processes - much like Cantor's Alephs- 'nondenumerable infinities' (null and higher classes): 1:1 correlations across the board.

I suppose the next level of intentional incompatibilities shall have to run the course all the way to near inability to use a large chunk of 'the web' - before any concerted actually serious movement begins, to recreate and enforce actual Language standards.

Standards which demand compliance via - er BITE ('built-in-test-equipment', in electronics): if your header doesn't indicate passage of an imbedded quick-scan ~~ CRC test for Compliance within the body -- "[our browser] will not deal with your content and will send message to your server re Why". (Later on, send dup message to Org below..)

ARE we Smart enough. Yet?

Vanchau's boys aren't, but they have Lots of company already - no?

Web-Nazi Compliance \ufffd 2001
Skinheads for Harmony
Treblinka Division