Too circumstantial to be a wedge for any way-too-late spook work. A comment like
Mr. Fox was suspended by FBI Director Louis Freeh for speaking to the media about the case; he died in 1997. Ms. Mylroie says that Mr. Fox indicated to her that he did not continue to pursue the Iraq connection because Justice Department officials "did not want state sponsorship addressed."
merely underscores ingredients of happenstance and personal political guess/manipulation - surely re every incident we ever read about!

ie we don't know shit about any actual motivations and lengthy chain of actions re either of the above events. Same as approaching anything like 'proof' of CIA assistance / instigation of the Allende assassination.

We are a species of congenital liars: truth-telling is so rare that, each such event is grounds for a Prize - or at least a novel about the 'novel' situation. It's not cynical to suspend belief in most mass stories - just sane.

(Bizness, marketing lead the way in this decline, natch; way out in front: lying as an institution - and Billy/Bally be the icons most recognize. And applaud.)


Extra! Extra!
John Wilkes Boothe - Lincoln's love-child with a maid from Mary Todd's family estate: another sibling killing!