OT - shipping numbers + John Wayne shoots Bambi
Damn, and here I be, out in the sticks.. While the Chinese takeout here is pretty authentic.. no decent atmosphere like That! with or without assassins. It's getting weird fast.. as in Philip K. Dick's short story about the statistician, Potiphar Breen, The Year of the Jackpot.
(I also just read about US shipping ports VS the automated ones everywhere else) We're having a bit of a W.Coast strike currently; the final gasp of dying unions who don't want to see the last of their longshoreman jobs 'downsized' to automated bar-code reading robots.
They'll lose of course; bizness isn't about people, it's about max. imaginary figures (not even on paper) and the daily fear-factor: you'll be the next expendable one, #11666 - so let's see your ass in here Saturday at 8 AM.
Taiwan leads at 19,000 TEUs/gross acre/1999
Kwai Chung (HK) 3rd at 13,400 << that's YOU guys
LA + Long Beach USA 11th at 4000
NY + NJ 14th at 2343
(TEU = 20' equiv. units for containers)
So you must see lots of ships, whereas over here not much work seems to get done - just a lot of office computer typing activity and rebooting. Or as was re-observed of late:
unless W can keep the drumbeat loud enough til Nov. 5, so that no one talks about the growing disintegration his sophomoric bellicose ways are intensifying. I see US-goods boycotts all over, next.
Hope yer salting away a few $HK.. in a depression, some sort of imaginary cash is imaginary-King. What a Way to start a Millennium! with a Village Idiot holding the nookular football.
just watchin the show.. and it's John Wayne Shoots Bambi, in his Maidenform\ufffd bra; ads by Rush Limbaugh and Rev. Foulwell (who recently garnered a few million more wannabe assassins of Muricans)