US Rules of logic must correct:
Since they are sub-human (communist AND er brown-ish), they do not think like US.
Fact: they are too poor to have a magnicent program of creating an entire advanced arms industry (let alone one capable of supplying its wares to.. oh just about anyone with a few $$ to spare from the peasants' food fund and.. who agree to Like the supplier of this manna, next.)
Fact: they are isolated; they are the Grudge-Masters du jour. No sympathy then from er 'allies' ('axes' - we so love to fuck language, and anything else that moves).
NO, the fact that they are also unlubricated has NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING to do with our disinterest! [Honest] We NEED at least one Commie Pinko State besides tiny Cuba: to keep Loral, Motorola, GE, Halliburton and friends supported in the manner they have become accustomed (to).
IT's NOT ABOUT OIL.. it's it's about *Principle! you comsymp lackey. (Besides taking 'em out would be just too easy; we Muricans have a word for such folk: gooks. Why they aren't even prospects for The Mouse or McD!)
* and Interest, of course. Compounded.