Cough - someone at TIME is taking the GOOD drugs.
I want some of those.
A lot of people, including myself, feel that Dubya damn near tried to get Chavez ousted in that little ol' terrorist coup d'tat. Dubya immediately dealt with the new government and government officials were, in effect, saying that Chavez had done it to himself.
When the new president immediately disbanded Congress and the Supreme Court, the people rebelled back and Chavez was returned back to power. Only when it was fairly certain that the coup d'tat wouldn't make it did Bush's regime blast the attempted coup.
I won't even mention that plane that flew from Ven. to the US just prior to Chavez getting power back. (Or the US Officials that it held.)
Yeah, Bush and Chavez get along just chumly. (Cough).
Chavez was planning on raising the oil rates...rather dramatically, IIRC. Haven't heard much about that since he was nearly ousted. But it's a wonderful of controlling oil prices - cost us too much and we'll have out ousted (and/or killed).
Tell ya what - even I agree, drill in ANWR.