And at my alma mater yet.. I know Al Ghiorso; his integrity is the gold standard. (He once sent me a 'First Day Cover' from USSR, when he was there in connection with the Apollo-Soyuz linkup - which is what the stamp depicts in English and Cyrillic logos. Simply - thoughtfulness.)
Given the last \ufffd re a recent note from GSI re another Ninov-supervised discovery - I guess that the circumstantial pattern is apt to be believed, and his rebuttal tossed in the Wagg-Edd file. Imagine being a physicist and acquiring the rep of Billy/Bally. Sad, even if it now seems deserved. De daid.
And he ain't even a Murican on the fast-track to Riches via Any Means Possible.. Maybe we're only #2 now?
Outlier. One can only hope. (Only The Shadow Knows what evil lurks in the minds of men (+ anyone else who groks the mindset of the current US Ruling cabal, natch.))