Normal breathing now, normal motion, normal sleep - which I really needed after trying to sleep flat on my back Monday night. Still some minor pain left, mostly if I caugh. Should be all gone by Friday.
Good thing, because my near future doesn't include any time to see a doctor. In any case, too many of my visits to doctors have been expensive disasters. The only ones that have worked out were the eye surgeon (really good), and clinic guys who were too busy to do anything beyond what I told them to do. "I need a couple stitches here, and bandages cause infection, so don't bandage it".
Many years ago I was in a bad auto accident. During the night I diagnosed my injuries and went to see a doctor the following afternoon. Of course he berated me for not seeking medical attention immediately.
I told him, "I have two cracked ribs, one here and one here". He looked at me like I was some sort of moron. An hour later he came back with Xrays and told me, "You have two cracked ribs, one here and one here".
He prescribed a pain killer which I didn't use, and gave me an elastic bandage which I called the "super butch bra" for its flattening power. Using this thing made it impossible to find any comfortable position, so I threw it out.
He also put a couple of stitches in a cut behind my left sholder, and I told him, "Do not bandage it, it'll get infected". He insisted it had to be bandaged, so by the next day it was infected and he had to take the stiches out, causing a larger scar than necessary.
A year or so later, when I got my water bed, those two ribs acted up a little for about a week, but they got used to it.
The worse though, was when I decided I had pneumonia or something and went to a hospital emergency room for antibiotics. They decided I was a cardiac case, refused to answer my questions as to why they thought that, kept me for a few hours, finally gave me the antibiotics I came for, charged me $4000 and didn't give me the results of any of the tests they charged for because I wouldn't stay overnight for cardiac monitoring. I got $2000 of that reversed, but had to pay the rest to preserve credit ratings.