at other restaurants all over the country.

Read Playboy magazine's Forum section. It seems like every few months it has a letter or two from someone who has harassed or kicked out of a public restaurant or other place of business for reading a Playboy magazine.

It can get even worse. Earlier this summer an employee of Qwest was fired for having a Playboy magazine in a locked drawer in his desk. Seems he received a autographed magazine as a gift from coworkers, put it in the drawer, locked it and left it there. A few months later he notices that someone forced open the drawer and took the magazine. He gets called on the carpet by his management for having "pornography and sexually explicit material", then gets canned to make an example out of him.

How about in Houston recently, where a shopping mall with an Italianate architectual motif had to place a fig leaf on a statue of Michaelangelo's "David"? Somebody complained that it was forcing kids to see something "that they shouldn't". Never mind that the statue was on the roof of a store some 30 feet above the ground. Gotta protect the kiddies, dontchaknow.