In Middle school when the tads are at least 12 teachem proper bj techniques for all I care. Prior to that let the little fsckers be kids. An 11 yea old doesnt really need sex education from the government, might need it from her parents (bad touching, those are yer private parts) and teachers (wash yer ass AFTER you wash your face) dont need to be imprinted with the NEA's version of social tolerance or intolerance for my point of view as the parent. I get first crack and then the gummin t can try to brainwash them all they want after the 6th grade.
I have a hard enough time now when the oldster's art teacher tells him Leonardo de Caprio's painting of whistlers mother was of a prostitute. Took a while to figger out that it was Da Vinci and the painting probably was the Mona Lisa. last year teachers were telling the kids that guns were invented for hunting and since we buy food in the store we dont need guns anymore. I had to explain to the kids that guns were invented to kill people and they are so good at it you can also use them for hunting. Teachers response was they were trying to teach gun avoidance. Yea, right the nasty little pc pricks.
wait until they are 12 before trying to get them to fit the NEA mold.