2 a : to have an impact on : impinge on b : to strike forcefully; also : to cause to strike forcefully
So, let's go see what 'impinge' means here, kids:
Function:\tintransitive verb
Inflected Form(s):\tim\ufffdpinged; im\ufffdping\ufffding
Etymology:\tLatin impingere, from in- + pangere to fasten, drive in -- more at [link|dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=pact|PACT]
1 : to strike or dash especially with a sharp collision <I heard the rain impinge upon the earth -- James Joyce>
2 : to have an effect : make an impression <waiting for the germ of a new idea to impinge upon my mind -- Phyllis Bentley>
3 : [link|dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=encroach|ENCROACH], [link|dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=infringe|INFRINGE] <impinge on other people's rights>
They had buzzwords back in 1605...?
Sorry. Drive through, thanks for playing. ;-)