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New Why, exactly?
Should I put this in the hands of school teachers to teach my kids sexual norms? hell no! the view of sexual norms is to be taught by me and mine not you and yours!
So, should we leave other norms of conduct entirely up to parents, too: "Naah, honey, it's OK to steal from *them*; they're not like *us*."?

If so, why? And if not, then why should we when it comes to sexual norms, specifically?

Or should civi-c education aim to instil in future voters some sense of civi-lity? I, for one, think the world -- and the kids, homo- and hetero-sexual both -- would be better off if *all* children were told that it doesn't much matter for a person's worth as a human being what organ they prefer to stick, or have stuck, in what orifice.

A damn sight better than if you and every bloody Deliverance-style fuckwad were able to, *unopposedly*, raise their kids into new little "Squeal like pig!" morons.

Now, of course, you're asking: How *dare* I?!? Well -- I'm not saying you *are* a bloody Deliverance-style fuckwad... but you *are* _equal_, in the eyes of the law and political rhetoric.

So if his kids can stand being told stuff that differs from Daddy's view -- like, that the Earth revolves around the Sun, not the other way around; that the Civil War is over, and the South lost; stuff like that -- then so can yours.

According to what you claim above, it doesn't even differ from what you are telling them... But even if it did, then so what: It's not as if your views will have *less* air time with the kids than a few hours, total, of grade school Sex Ed, is it?
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New twang, twang, twang,twang,twang,twang,twang

So, should we leave other norms of conduct entirely up to parents, too: "Naah, honey, it's OK to steal from *them*; they're not like *us*."?

ayup I have that right.
what is the suomi term for Deliverance style Fuckwad, Georgian?
New No you haven't: unless you're blowing smoke re
surveillance cameras - and the rather fundamental Point that:

You have the power - not the Right.

Rights inhere to the individual; they are not 'granted' by govmint. (and I add: by parent, either - after sentience, except via coercion and guile)

Now technically, as parent, 'protector' of your wards - who are in fact in process of becoming citizens with the above Rights inherent - yes, you possess the *power* to inflict all manner of your prejudices (noticed and unnoticed) or even to, "try to make them little carbon copies of me-me-me" (the more common form of dissing the Rights of nascent citizens?)

But in imposing your arbitrary collection of detritus about 'the way Things are S'pozed to Be', and opposing the delivery of a more general view (from school) of ~ 'How things often Are' - how are you much different from the folk who teach their kids bad synonyms for Jews?

{Sheesh} Bill - afraid the schoolmarm's arguments are better than yours? (I recall my Rt-wing McCarthy-lovin Wacko gmother worryin pretty little head about.. what awful things those teachers might be tellin er *Me*)

Of Course she was Right! as well as Right-Wing AND Righteous: at least insofar as her having the ongoing satisfaction of believing.. I might turn out Just Like Her\ufffd (As if I needed a teacher to explain what sanctimonious Righteousness smells like!)

BTW: the process you're espousin - is exactly how we got, get, will get - the 8 year-old suicide bombers 'over there': Believe Daddy in All Things. That what you want too? Gonna really teach the little tykes that, fags are Unacceptable (even if later, one happens to find out that s/he has er __)?


PS re what is the suomi term for Deliverance style Fuckwad, Georgian? Hypocrite? maybe
New nope gotta disagree
In Middle school when the tads are at least 12 teachem proper bj techniques for all I care. Prior to that let the little fsckers be kids. An 11 yea old doesnt really need sex education from the government, might need it from her parents (bad touching, those are yer private parts) and teachers (wash yer ass AFTER you wash your face) dont need to be imprinted with the NEA's version of social tolerance or intolerance for my point of view as the parent. I get first crack and then the gummin t can try to brainwash them all they want after the 6th grade.
I have a hard enough time now when the oldster's art teacher tells him Leonardo de Caprio's painting of whistlers mother was of a prostitute. Took a while to figger out that it was Da Vinci and the painting probably was the Mona Lisa. last year teachers were telling the kids that guns were invented for hunting and since we buy food in the store we dont need guns anymore. I had to explain to the kids that guns were invented to kill people and they are so good at it you can also use them for hunting. Teachers response was they were trying to teach gun avoidance. Yea, right the nasty little pc pricks.
wait until they are 12 before trying to get them to fit the NEA mold.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New You do have a point.
Up to some age, kids are malleable. According to my father, Stalin had said that if you indoctrinate the kids for the first few years of school, he will have them for the rest of their lives. Kids used to turn in their parents for "counter-revolutionary thoughts". Yep, get your parents killed for "brownie points"

Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.
-- Anne Frank
New Jesuits pegged it first:
Get 'em by 5 and you got 'em for life.

I do see your point re social engineering, but don't consider it an arguable point that, between the extremes of indoctrinating a litany of fav prejudices VS a certain amount of Polyanna unselectivity: "excessive tolerance", perhaps? (Just to Begin From\ufffd) - there's any argument.

As you say - plenty of time after age 12 or so, to explain that - yes some groups (which are Right) have labelled some other groups (which are Wrong) accordingly. And then noting that this is a 'moral' judgment which (for most but not Nearly all) is also a 'religious' judgment. (The brave ones might add: of course they can't All be Right / All-others Wrong / er simultaneously but.. don't ask so many &^$*#$ Questions, Kid..!)

Then they can decide.. if they want to go with mom, tying chickens on doorknobs.. or with dad who's a geek*, on his rounds of biting the heads off of live chickens for God and country.

* original def'n of geek per Kurt V. in Jailbirds, a hilarious romp on McCarthy, Watergate and judging folks' er 'character'. (Also on Big Bizness and bag ladies)

But then - you knew all that stuff.. :-P
And no one will be listening to you or me re how to raise-up kids or chickens. If ya draw asshole parents, ya just start out with a foot in the hole. But it ain't amputated -

New No you don't. Not if you want to be human.
If you want to live among humans and interact with them, you better learn and adjust to society's norms. Which includes having those norms taught to you when you're a kid, and to your kids when you're an adult.

You wanna live outside the bounds of society's norms, then you get to live outside the bounds of society itself: Take your kids out into the woods and have 'em raised by wolves, for all I care.

But then of course you'd also relinquish any right to come to me and whine when they're hunted and killed like wolves or any other pest, right?
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New whose norms?
The dems only pulled 25% of the votes over hear last time and want to teach that crap to my kids and the repos only got 24% want only to teach creation instead of evolution as well as make homosexuality a crime again. The rest appear not to give a shit. Nope societies norms can kick in after the age of 12. Until then they are my wolves I teachem my way.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New Then keep 'em in a cage; don't inflict 'em on the public.
New the public think they are nice little boys
gotta keep the imprinting subliminal
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
     warning explicit anti pc language follows and Meerkat - (boxley) - (19)
         Please fix the URL - it makes the screen much too wide. - (Another Scott)
         Ummm... Bill, I thought you lived in Florida... - (Simon_Jester)
         Notice 'narrow / wide' radio button? - (Ashton)
         Arguments againts (formatting aside) - (wharris2) - (5)
             I think I get it. At least I feel nauseous a bit. So then.. - (Ashton)
             Peta would compreHENsively slate you for that... -NT - (pwhysall)
             Perfectly fucking stupid arguments. - (CRConrad)
             Is the assumption here that - (mhuber) - (1)
                 nope it is the concern that my kids dont - (boxley)
         Why, exactly? - (CRConrad) - (9)
             twang, twang, twang,twang,twang,twang,twang - (boxley) - (8)
                 No you haven't: unless you're blowing smoke re - (Ashton) - (3)
                     nope gotta disagree - (boxley) - (2)
                         You do have a point. - (a6l6e6x)
                         Jesuits pegged it first: - (Ashton)
                 No you don't. Not if you want to be human. - (CRConrad) - (3)
                     whose norms? - (boxley) - (2)
                         Then keep 'em in a cage; don't inflict 'em on the public. -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                             the public think they are nice little boys - (boxley)

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