Should I put this in the hands of school teachers to teach my kids sexual norms? hell no! the view of sexual norms is to be taught by me and mine not you and yours!So, should we leave other norms of conduct entirely up to parents, too: "Naah, honey, it's OK to steal from *them*; they're not like *us*."?
If so, why? And if not, then why should we when it comes to sexual norms, specifically?
Or should civi-c education aim to instil in future voters some sense of civi-lity? I, for one, think the world -- and the kids, homo- and hetero-sexual both -- would be better off if *all* children were told that it doesn't much matter for a person's worth as a human being what organ they prefer to stick, or have stuck, in what orifice.
A damn sight better than if you and every bloody Deliverance-style fuckwad were able to, *unopposedly*, raise their kids into new little "Squeal like pig!" morons.
Now, of course, you're asking: How *dare* I?!? Well -- I'm not saying you *are* a bloody Deliverance-style fuckwad... but you *are* _equal_, in the eyes of the law and political rhetoric.
So if his kids can stand being told stuff that differs from Daddy's view -- like, that the Earth revolves around the Sun, not the other way around; that the Civil War is over, and the South lost; stuff like that -- then so can yours.
According to what you claim above, it doesn't even differ from what you are telling them... But even if it did, then so what: It's not as if your views will have *less* air time with the kids than a few hours, total, of grade school Sex Ed, is it?