You appear to have cancelled out your magnanimous live and let live disclaimer.. apologia? with the last few sentences:
If teaching that 'it' is acceptable, is wrong, that appears to mean that either you say nothing (perhaps the little tyke will Never find out that such a thing as 'it' exists?) or - you teach that, 'it' is unacceptable. Unacceptable to be that way? I guess that is what is meant.
Presumably an easy stretch, since it's wrong. And since the idea is abhorrent to *you* why - well, naturally it ought to be abhorrent to any right-thinking person, too. Right?
Let's see: right / wrong. Umm sounds like a moral judgment. Of someone not *you* (because you already registered your particular preference). It's about someone *else* (who may or may not much care what your opinion accidentally happens to be - not that their opinion matters: they're wrong. Easy to forget). Right?
Hmm - maybe it's a religious persuasion. Often 'moral' is defined as ~ "what my selected religion says it is" ergo: what mine says it is, is *right*. What yours says it is, is *wrong*. Right?
Of course too - taking you at your word - you can have no idea how a er homosexual might be 'wired' - thus no idea what it might feel like to be a certain way which.. in the opinion of others not-that-way is
A fucking WRONG WAY TO 'BE' ... at all.
Well.. the opposite of being seems to be ~ being dead == not 'being'.
Welcome to Jerusalem 2001.
No need to expose our little tyke to ideas that er some people are 'different' and that makes them immoral and that means: they are wrong to be that way.
Let's show him how you take care of people who ought Not to be - the way they happen to be:
Get them to Not be, anymore. It's logical . It follows from the reasoning given. So.. OK:
I know! Let's teach the little *tyke how to strap on some Semtex and make sure daddy's Righteousness is spread far and wide (well, whatever the radius for 50% MLD is for umm 40# of Semtex of good grade and a decent tetryl booster).
* if by some accident of nature - the little tyke is also an 'it' - why, he'll hardly be missed by daddy anyway.. right? Simply - he wasn't supposed to be - anyway.
Difficulty solved by logic: No more problem with the different ones. No more problem with the immoral ones. No more problem with the homosexual ones.
(But let's not blame it on bigotry and the acting out of atavistic fear of the different thus hatred of that which induces fear.. (and is thus 'immoral' (thus 'wrong')) - gosh logic is so so.. consistent!)
Let's blame it on those French Zombies. It can't be anything *I'm* doing.