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New Re: Sorry
What the hell got into you? When did you become such a prick? Are you back on drugs? Mabye you should be.

Oxley would be a fucking credit to ANY organization, even one fronting - ahem - a giant like you.
New You are reading that differently than I do
Barry isn't saying what Bill Oxley would be like as an employee. He is saying how that snippet would come across if he didn't know anything about Oxley. And then added context.

Which Oxley confirmed.

As for why Barry said that, my guess is that it is because Bill Oxley is someone that Barry wouldn't mind hiring if he gets the opportunity, and if opportunity comes, Barry wants to see that work. Plus Barry likes a [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=50098|good squabble] from time to time...


PS Note who got all confused and worried in the thread that I linked to.... :-)
"Career politicians are inherently untrustworthy; if it spends its life buzzing around the outhouse, it\ufffds probably a fly."
- [link|http://www.nationalinterest.org/issues/58/Mead.html|Walter Mead]
New Re: You are reading that differently than I do
I've known him via posts since 1996 or 1997 or so. Gradually his posts have taken the tone "Even in the midst of economic disaster, my enormous talent has staved off catastrophe time after time." And then, completely out of the blue, he basically tells Ox to fuck off when Ox didn't want to fuck "on" in the first place.
New naw barry's cool, he will grunt out a position
and I will snarl back at him, no prob.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

"Therefore, by objective standards, the leading managers of the U.S. economy...are collectively, clinically insane."
Lyndon LaRouche
New Wow, I NEEDED to reread that link
I've been working with someone for about 6 years.
He was at this company 5 years before me.

A smart, very personable, technically oriented
individual. He LOVED to help people. And he
got fired over it.

Well, not exactly fired over it, but was canned
after making enough mistakes that his boss finally
had an excuse to can him.

Ya see, he spent so much time helping others, his
own job performance slipped. Which in turn made
his boss look like an idiot since he wasn't managing
his employees well.

I was in a meeting a while back with him. He was
very helpful. He made suggestions that might actually
have worked. But he wasn't REALLY sure, so he
started down the path of over commiting and failure.

I tried to get him to back down and not make so many
suggestions. To keep his mouth shut for a while. To
figure out the landscape, and the person who he was
trying to help would use him as a scapegoat.

I was unable to save him.

That REALLY sucked.

Note: Even with my "Godlike" powers (according to De),
he was a lost cause.

That was the about the time frame of the previous post
that Ben pointed to.

So my buddy was let go. At least he got a reasonable
package out of the process.

He started a new job pretty soon, but at a far lower
salary. And was fired within 2 weeks. Not a team
player. Huh?

One of the most kind, considerate, sociable people I
have ever met, "not a team player". Becase he made
too many suggestions. He threatened the person in
charge, the guy who set everything up. Note: He was
TOLD to make suggestions. Just like Thane was. But
they didn't really mean it.

So now he is looking again.

And this time, he WILL keep his mouth shut for a LONG

DeS: I'm an above average techie. And I am in awe
of the real brilliant people. And I don't spout politics
to people who can harm me. And I try to get others
to do the same. So shoot me.

And while Greg may be one of brilliant, he's also fun to twist.
I'd comment on you, but some day, someone will
read this, and pass judgement on my ability to take
crap from a random person, and I will shine.

Box: We are in agreement, as usual, except for your
home page. I REALLY wish you'd have a pure resume
page. You said you can't afford two. So kill the
jokes and the stuff that scares the HR idiots. Put it
back when you have a secure job.
New perhaps your co-worker had acheived go-nogo
I have been in positions where I will offer suggestions that will be met with silence and active undermining, knowing such is going on and having had my fill of BS I will take great pleasure in rubbing noses into their shit until I am gone. Maybe he was at that point I dont know. As far as the web page goes the links are gone except for drudge and the dam cat.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

"Therefore, by objective standards, the leading managers of the U.S. economy...are collectively, clinically insane."
Lyndon LaRouche
New Re: Wow, I NEEDED to reread that link
You completely fail to understand - real helpfulness is a NATURAL state of mind, and is ALWAYS appreciated - in human, and not technical, ways. You are simply not helpful, and you've taken it to a new level - of disdain for the helpful - with this pitiful example of the possible costs (it always comes down to money with you).
New Helpfulness?
Not really.

Helpfulness in the office based in reciprocity.

There is a balance.

My time is OWNED by my boss. There is an exact $$
amount that I cost. Time wasted is money lost.
Even worse, I am expected to provide far greater
value back to the company to cover my cost, plus
overhead and profit. And my boss' bonus. So more
money is lost than my salary when I stray.

My boss' job to to correctly deploy his resources.
He directs me, I do. I am usually self directed
in that I have a dozen things in mind that I think
I should be doing, but I keep my boss informed of
my todo list, and he sets my top 2.

So a random person is struggling. They are probably
payed different from me, and their projects are
also of different value. If they are far less than
me, and I take time to help them without being
directed, I am wasting company resources for no
known reason. Maybe they are expected to take 2 weeks
to do something I can do in a day, but they are payed
less or use cheaper resources, so it is OK. On the
other hand, if they are far more than me, I hopefully
am contributing to a more important matter, but I can't
know for sure. Either way, it is NOT my decision.
It is my boss' decision.

If it is a different department, with a different
cost structure, then another manager is taking resources
from my department. It is up to my boss to explicitly
give permission to help.

Note: We will ALWAYS take a few minutes to help anyone
without this complex calculation. Especially if it
involves teaching someone something, since that benefits
everyone, which in turn is good for the company as
a whole. But if it stretches past a few minutes, then we
back off and tell them to talk to the boss.

And if certain individuals come back again and again, while
not performing a reciprocal favor, the balance is lost,
and we will go out of our way NOT to help them. Maybe
a certain manager has an inferiority complex, always
hires idiots, who then go leach off others. You NEVER
want to help these people.

I sat down next to a new hire today. He been here 2 weeks.
He seemed to be struggling. We all report up to the same
person, but we have different titles and much different
skill sets. He was doing a database update that should have
taken 10 minutes, and he was on his 3rd hour. It was due
in another hour. I talked it out with him. I then went
to our boss, and asked if I could give an hour to both do
the update and teach him how. I could have done it in about
3 minutes, but then he would have learned nothing. So I
asked for more time and it worked out for everyone.
New As I said
..it always comes down to money with you. As long as you can justify the bottom line, any amount of hostility is justified.
New As I said
..it always comes down to money with you.
New headcount headcount headcount
for every IT action there is a bill due to someone. If you want sysadmin a to do b then there is a dollar cost associated with it. Training cost money. If it is out of your Organisational responsabilty someone owes a buck. re-read catch22. It is applicable to what we do. Doesnt always have to be dollar related but usually is.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

"Therefore, by objective standards, the leading managers of the U.S. economy...are collectively, clinically insane."
Lyndon LaRouche
New And by the way..
..helpfulness is based in a desire to see people succeed and prosper, not in "reciprocity" or whatever other binary structure you want to put into the place of feelings.
New You don't understand responsibility
It is always easy to spend other people's
money. It is easy on the ego too. Look
at me, I'm helpful. Wheeee.

What is difficult is to restrain that urge,
and do what you are paid to do.
New Oh that's rich!
I am paid to make computers work FOR HUMAN BEINGS. That necessarily involves being helpful, because most of them have their feelings intact, and sometimes need reassurance and guidance in how to use them - you see, they somehow got the idea that people who make computers dance are smarter and better than they are, and they feel intimidated. It may be that GEEKS have gone out of their way to make things hard for them, because these GEEKS don't have THEIR feelings intact, and so go out of their way to piss on "lusers" who do out of hostility.

Yes, I've had people who came back time and time again. So I showed them, time and time again. I think they wanted me back because I listened to them - they really knew how to do it, but they also knew I would listen.

You never seem to factor feelings into the picture. That's too messy. That's not binary.
New Hey. you mean they PAY you?
You don't do it out of the goodness of
your heart? I'm so sad. I thought you
did it out of a tendancy toward human kindness.
New Imagine!

New Also..
Who the fuck are YOU to lecture me about responsibility? You work in your family business. You can't fail. Like I told the Legend - get a day job.

New Huh?
No family business.

I used to work with my brother, who had
no ownership. He no longer works here.

No companies in my family.

Can't fail?

I could be fired tomorrow, with NO
recourse. Just stop producing.

And start pretending the company's
money is mine to waste as I please.
New My bad
     Use LVM? - (broomberg) - (45)
         Reason they never applied the patches... - (folkert) - (1)
             Oh, they KNOW what they are doing - (broomberg)
         Ultimately, code and licensing are what count - (rickmoen) - (42)
             Wow, a legend - (broomberg) - (41)
                 tight burrows and squeeking - (boxley) - (23)
                     Translation please? -NT - (broomberg) - (22)
                         If you got the source its your to do what you please - (boxley) - (21)
                             Sorry - (broomberg) - (20)
                                 not an interview but not even a call for an interview - (boxley)
                                 Re: Sorry - (deSitter) - (18)
                                     You are reading that differently than I do - (ben_tilly) - (17)
                                         Re: You are reading that differently than I do - (deSitter) - (1)
                                             naw barry's cool, he will grunt out a position - (boxley)
                                         Wow, I NEEDED to reread that link - (broomberg) - (14)
                                             perhaps your co-worker had acheived go-nogo - (boxley)
                                             Re: Wow, I NEEDED to reread that link - (deSitter) - (12)
                                                 Helpfulness? - (broomberg) - (11)
                                                     As I said - (deSitter)
                                                     As I said - (deSitter)
                                                     headcount headcount headcount - (boxley)
                                                     And by the way.. - (deSitter) - (7)
                                                         You don't understand responsibility - (broomberg) - (6)
                                                             Oh that's rich! - (deSitter) - (2)
                                                                 Hey. you mean they PAY you? - (broomberg) - (1)
                                                                     Imagine! - (deSitter)
                                                             Also.. - (deSitter) - (2)
                                                                 Huh? - (broomberg) - (1)
                                                                     My bad -NT - (deSitter)
                 Oooh! Lookee Mommy, a legend! (right) - (deSitter) - (16)
                     When did you get all reasonable? - (drewk) - (1)
                         Re: When did you get all reasonable? - (deSitter)
                     Sorry, I usually agreed with him - (broomberg) - (13)
                         You would have missed it - (ben_tilly) - (5)
                             Eh? I though UnixMonster was referring to this thread... - (Another Scott) - (3)
                                 That moniker is no more - (deSitter) - (1)
                                     Just pulling your chain a little. :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
                                 Ah... - (ben_tilly)
                             Re: You would have missed it - (deSitter)
                         Re: Sorry, I usually agreed with him - (deSitter) - (6)
                             thats not unix culture! unix culture is box goes into the - (boxley) - (4)
                                 Oi! - (pwhysall) - (3)
                                     paper msce then -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                                         Haha. - (pwhysall) - (1)
                                             based on having one as a project manager - (boxley)
                             Good grief. - (pwhysall)

In the arms of a jungle animal instinct.
349 ms