Re: Hmm thats one way - Interestingly ...
The latest news stuff we are getting now has Colin Powell doing all the talking & Bush & Cheney keeping more out of the picture.
Powell has credibility internationally. Am also reading a bio on Bush (it got stopped from being published but the author persisted & got it to print with another publisher). Thus far it paints a picture of Bush as a natural leader who was very popular & well liked but was no brilliant student. The book implies he joined the Nat guard to avoid Vietnam (but I wouldn't hold that agin him). Also implies he got into Yale soley due to family connections (again I wouldn't hold that agin the man - what are families for <grin>).
From the reading thus far it seems that Bush (W) doesn't come acrss as well internationally as he does personally. That could explain why he got on so well with Putin.
The more I read the more I like the man (but not his handling of the attack Iraq appraoch). Anyway, if Powell keeps up his good work he might just put Bush's admin in a better light than Bush, Cheney & Rumz have thus far. He might just get his tough UN mandate.
Doug Marker