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New Excellent. :-)
Another way to get around it (usually true): "My previous salary is company confidential information per their employee manual. I can't tell you."

-scott anderson
New My previous employer's take
What my former employer, an extremely larger maufacturer of PCs and servers headquartered in Round Rock, TX, has instituted is a 1-888 number for your potential future employer to call to inquire about your work history. After they enter your SSN, they are given the option, AT THE LOW PRICE OF $9.95, to hear a recorded voice confirm that you were once an employee of theirs, and to give out the start and end dates of your employ. (It's $1 dollar cheaper if they access it through some website.) OR, they can pay much more (something like $19 or $25) to access your SALARY HISTORY...but they can only do that after you set up an "Account" in the system and give your potential future employer the password.

Now, how many companies are going to PAY to find out you actually worked somewhere previously?
"Prepare for metamorphosis. Ready, Kafka?"
New Are you saying this is the *only* way
they will simply confirm employment?

ACLU next, would be my first query.


I'd also think that the act would eventually bite them on the ass, as they become the butt of rest of industry.. of course for those lacking a shame gene: this might not matter much.
     Giving out prior salary? - (tablizer) - (8)
         Depends what you want to make now... - (ChrisR)
         I never do - (tuberculosis) - (5)
             Bravo. - (Ashton)
             Excellent. :-) - (admin) - (2)
                 My previous employer's take - (bconnors) - (1)
                     Are you saying this is the *only* way - (Ashton)
             We lost a candidate that way - (drewk)
         never on an application usually tbd will suffice - (boxley)

Unfortunately, the hard part is moderation...
73 ms