and one of the reasons why a good rewrite of the Amendments is due every now and then. I might be a bit off base here(?) but using the 1'st Ammendment that you were nice enough to quote, how does the prayer in school issue square with the line Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...
It seems to me that if congress passed a law forbidding prayer in school they are not "making no law... prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Interpretation is 9/10ths of the law, right? Kids today are not dumb nor are the adults wise. They both have representatives on either side.
The First Amendment seems mutually exclusive with regards to estabishing/forbidding religion... I have always operated under the notion that formal prayer in school is not a good idea in that (as Brandioch noted) which prayer is to be said - Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Judaic, or even more finely split; Catholic, Methodist, Pentacostal... It's not like there aren't enough places of worship for those who want them... Having stated that, I don't read the "smoking gun" statement in the First Amendment that would deny prayer in school.