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New How to download KNOPPIX...
Right freakin here:

[link|http://web.grcc.edu/gfolkert/files/knoppix/|Knoppix pseudo-mirror] on this side of the divide... actually either...

Just take her easy and it'll go just fine... HTTP only though... sorry for that BUT... you know.

I gonna get the the new v3.1 every 2 weeks till it releases... Only three will be there... okies?

Current is KNOPPIX_V3.1-22-09-2002-EN.iso

If you really want he MD5s and stuff lemme know... be getting the EN version only...

BTW, lemme know if you see anything wrong... as I like to be on-top of things as we ALL know....

greg - Grand-Master Artist in IT,
curley95@attbi.com -- [link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry/|REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!]

Your friendly Homeland Security Officer reminds:
Hold Thumbprint to Screen for 5 seconds, we'll take the imprint, or
Just continue to type on your keyboard, and we'll just sample your DNA.
Expand Edited by gfolkertold Sept. 26, 2002, 01:08:47 PM EDT
New sheesh
No lie, I started the download from rfc822.org about 3 minutes before I saw this post. I've already got 30meg of it so I'll let it run. But thanks for the info, it will be handy in the future, I'm sure!
New Posting from Knoppix
very cool
     How to download KNOPPIX... - (folkert) - (2)
         sheesh - (Steve Lowe) - (1)
             Posting from Knoppix - (Steve Lowe)

They done be drunk. What more could you ask for?
34 ms