Suse 7.3 turned out to be unmaintainable. The Yast config tools have their fingers in everything, but do not provide access to all options of the programs involved, and not even to all options that Suse does support (there's a meta text config file for that). Manual changes stand a good chance of getting clobbered next time Yast(2) is run.
Suse also wrote a meta deamon for pppd which is completely undocumented. This was the final straw as it does a terrible job at providing PPPoE support for anything but the German telco ADSL access. The meta deamon blocks most pppd options, and pppd itself seems to have been modified as well as it no longer works standalone.
The much heralded Suse paper docs provide generic Unix and network information, but do not actually provide the necessary info on Suse itself.