Much more cost effective; we can work out the Terrorist Reasons as we go along (like now):
[partial list]
Closer (save on the transportation).
Similar language (they can read the Dictats posted).
Lots of Lebensraum to bulldoze, concrete over and build malls.
Quebec as freebie: 'Frogs' closer to home, as butt of jingoistic jokes.(Every cabal needs SomeOne to hate; the Jews paid their dues last War-Century.)
Obviously they are nascent terrorists: after all, they are not planning to lock-up a significant portion of their population for smoking Evil marijuana and such. Nor arrest their citizens incommunicado and indefinitely - if they look funny or talk funny. QED.
Free working medical system - EZ replacement for our present incestuously-Profitable but nonfunctional laughingstock.
New National Parks - where we are bound to find some [oil] to drill for, (a lot of new trees for new WalMart construction). New [oil] sinecures for ex-Admin. folks to be CIEIOs, after impeachment.
Handy transportation to our new toxic waste dumps next to those logged-out* former Parks.
[/partial list]
* the Real meaning of logged off
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