Oh good, table locking. NOT.
Table locking is not for serious business use at all. *serious* businesses need row-level locking, which is Somewhere Out There for MySQL.
Postgress seems to have good features/benefits. Free and so forth.
Of course, you could always use IBM DB2. Probably not less expensive than Oracle, though. Other vendors? Informix was absorbed by IBM. Not a bad product, but you gotta be suspicious of its future. IBM or Oracle or Microsoft, that's the choices with the pay databases.
Anyone have other databases to suggest? SQL, while decent, if not great, is OK, alas Microsoft "standard" ODBC is in several varieties, and not fully supported by many databases or ODBC interfaces or even Microsoft itself (see Visual Basic for a glaring example.)
Try to find a standard definition of SQL on the Web. When I went looking a few years back, I never did find a real definition of this ANSI SQL.