And here's the kicker in my book - he has the most melodic phrasing of the speed demons IMNSHO. Satriani and Vai are indeed wonderful technicians - but they sort of leave me cold.
There's a lot more to being good than being fast. I'd rather be tasty than speedy in my licks and thats always been my (and probably that Clapton guy's ;-) focus.
Randy Rhoades was amazing for what little I got to hear him but he didn't last long enough for me really to get a great sense of his range.
Also, I gotta toss in an honorable mention for Alvin Lee and Nokie Edwards (The Ventures). Two righteous and under-credited players in my book.
As for Hendrix (one of my faves - I learned every single tune on Smash Hits in High School) I never think of the guy as fast so much as wonderfully savage in his approach to the instrument. He played *hard* and innovated a bunch of techniques (really changed what "electric guitar playing" means) but he was never all that clean by modern standards.