This may demonstrate for the nth time that - as with Microsoft's thus-far evasion of Any punishment, even following a guilty verdict - the umm character of an Administration determines not 'how the Law shall be obeyed' but IF the law shall have any effect whatsoever.
Welcome to the US Consumers Banana Republic, its Selected junta of Oil barons and the year 2002. Imagine for a mo.. donating your sacred trust, your personal honor, your life - in support of the USCBR, after that draft notice arrives.
remember when them uppity Nigras came home from putting their asses on the line in the Bulge, elsewhere in WW-II: and found the
Colored | Whites Only signs
..still there? There until the '60s live demonstrations VS Bull Connor's police dogs, fire hoses, night riders (We'll just skip the 442nd Regimental Combat Team's greetings on their return - still looking a bit Japanese and all).
Hmm, will anybody much.. march for the Indians tomorrow?
Or for The Constitution's survival, today?