Post #51,476
9/11/02 11:42:56 PM
PayPal Woes
Well, I start to see everyone's issue with PayPal. Today, I received the following email:
URGENT: PayPal System Problems Dear PayPal User,
Today we had some trouble with one of our computer systems. While the trouble appears to be minor, we are not taking any chances. We decided to take the troubled system offline and replace it with a new system. Unfortunately this caused us to lose some member data. Please follow the link below and log into your account to make sure your information is not affected. Account balances have not been affected.
Because of the inconvenience this causes we are giving all users that repair their missing data their next two incoming transfers for free! You will pay no fees for your next two incoming transfers*.
I log in to find that they've basically hijacked my account balance until I reenter my information such as my credit card information, bank account information, etc... You know, important stuff.
I'm furious. I e-mail their support, and basically give them the e-finger.
Upon further inspection, the entire site that they want you to update your account information, it's not even in SSL.
I send another e-mail, waving the other e-finger in their general direction.
What a crock. So, needless to say, as soon as I can I'm taking my money and dropping that service. What a joke those guys are.
My pid is Inigo Montoya. You "killed -9" my parent process. Prepare to vi.
Post #51,489
9/12/02 3:12:16 AM
Re: PayPal Woes + Attention: vtluug donors <<
There's a whole Anti-Pay-Pal group (or more than one) out there. Best you check your recent deposits - there should be one from me. Others on the e-mail list who sent in for the server fund should let you know that they did. They are notorious for lengthy account freezes and especially for - insisting upon 'arbitration' re any conflicts: at rates which usually make the disputed amount moot. Sleaze comes to mind.
Please let me know here, or via vtluug - that you received the $. Their note to you might just be their excuse/alibi to umm accidentally forget to deposit. (They did debit mine.) My account there is at 0, where I'll keep it til they self-destruct or cleanup their act.
Murican Bizness since Billy showed them the Way.
Post #51,542
9/12/02 3:02:28 PM
CA court just tossed arbitration
Guess there were a few too many complaints about that too...
[link||El Reg]
Post #51,622
9/13/02 9:44:54 AM
Well, luckily, my balance returned and I never had to re-enter my private information across a non-secure line.
Yep, Ashton, I did get your deposit. Thank you very much!
Now, to find an alternative to PayPal. Hrm...
My pid is Inigo Montoya. You "killed -9" my parent process. Prepare to vi.
Post #51,723
9/14/02 4:39:13 AM
Ever thought about this one?
"Ah. One of the difficult questions."
Post #51,490
9/12/02 6:43:08 AM
As I mentioned....
My experience was that they were great until they sucked, and then they didn't stop sucking.
Sorry to hear that they went to sucking for you.
"Career politicians are inherently untrustworthy; if it spends its life buzzing around the outhouse, it\ufffds probably a fly." - [link||Walter Mead]
Post #51,746
9/14/02 3:05:47 PM
Extremely typical scam profile
Anytime I see a notice resembling this, my immediate suspicion is that there is a third-party scam going on. This despite the fact that I've seen a number of such requests from apparently legitimate sources (notably NetSol). Note that URL within the PayPal domain doesn't mean you're in the clear -- it could be an inside job, and there are certainly ways and means for this to happen.
I'd forward the notice to PayPal immediately, and demand an explanation, as well as a public notice on their primary website. Otherwise you're risking far too much.
Looks like this has turned out OK for you in the end. Faith and trust in online transactions remain a major issue though.
-- Karsten M. Self [link||] [link||[link||]] What part of "gestalt" don't you understand? [link||TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.
Keep software free. Oppose the CBDTPA. Kill S.2048 dead. [link||[link||]]
Post #51,752
9/14/02 3:55:57 PM
That was my suspicious thought as well.
Chaos reigns within. Reflect, repent, and reboot. Order shall return.
[Windows haiku]
Post #51,773
9/14/02 7:54:23 PM
Re: Extremely typical scam profile
Yeah, you hit it on the head.
PayPal confirmed that it was indeed a scam.
The e-mail was in HTML and looked totally legit. All URLs appeared to point to, but upon second look, they actually pointed to
Luckily, I didn't do anything. But, I did turn everything in. Fun.
My pid is Inigo Montoya. You "killed -9" my parent process. Prepare to vi.
Post #51,860
9/15/02 10:58:33 PM
Yeah PayPal suxs
ever since they got bought out by eBay, they have started ti s*ck very badly. Now they are just another eBay or AOL type of iriot company. Iriot being an Engrish type word. ;)
[link||"Khan!!!" -Kirk]