Let's not totally defile the word 'clarity' - shall we not?
What you mistake for clarity is what every Edsel designer also mistook for 'clarity' - distill The World down to (my) Right and (their) Wrong -- then we get Your 'clarity'.
In case you haven't noticed, as it appears you haven't: there is NO One 'Good' way to choose amongst the hundreds of conflicting national and international +/- s of "a US-launched first strike on Anyone, in 2002". There are only a myriad of unintended consequences of any simple-minded mindset on this very large matter, whose acting-out defiles both the US Constitution and the principles of all sane people elsewhere.
As William Blake observed, "The General Good" is the plea of the scoundrel, the hypocrite, the flatterer..
Your 'General Good' is the same one as my Gramma's - the one which needed a carefully insulated mindset of Others' fabrication + Me too.
"I Say:"
Murica suffers overall from a lack of imagination - it is evident in the growing number of people in our new for-profit prisons, Most! there for choosing a drug they like, which is Not producing revenue for pharm-chem Corps or which otherwise offends Puritans and other Authorities.
Similarly we do not see just how much we could alter the world positively - were we to spend a tiny fraction of our military budget in that direction. Poverty in imagination R US. What else does one expect from ingrained Puritanism - where imagination was ever a terminal offense? Our decline demonstrates these propositions.