Post #5,070
8/14/01 1:58:39 PM

Re: lets use your description
Man, is that a stretch or what!
A sport requires both physical and skill aspects against one or more opponents that is unscripted and unjudged. The unjudged part is probably a debateable point. I'm primarily considering here the asthetic judging.
Sports: hockey, baseball, football, basketball, rugby, track and field, amateur wrestling, boxing, skiing, speed skating, ...
Not sports: gymnastics, figure skating, darts, billiards, synchronized swimming, golf*, auto racing*, bowling, skeet shooting, professional wrestling...
* These are debateable. I personally don't consider them sports. We need a new word for them.
I have no issue with posting professional wrestling messages in this group. It's either this forum or the Entertainment one. Just don't call professional wrestling a sport.
If pro wrestling did away with the scripted matches and the fake moves, I would call it a sport like the matches in Ultimate Fighting Championship. Not that I find UFC pleasing to watch. Hey for you UFC fans, why do the martial arts guys go up against the bigger brawling submission move guys? From the clips I've seen the MA guys always get beaten badly.
Post #5,073
8/14/01 2:07:30 PM

The whole reason
I have no issue with posting professional wrestling messages in this group. It's either this forum or the Entertainment one.
That's what started this. I posted a link to an article about the WWF versus WWF :) in the Entertainment forum. boxley copied the text (but not the link, for some reason, considering I only posted a portion of the full article) for a new post in this forum
Jay O'Connor
"Going places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting"
Post #5,078
8/14/01 2:21:15 PM

Ah! I don't read the Entertainment forum
I was kind of wondering how this got started again. :-)
Post #5,617
8/17/01 11:15:36 AM

Is this a sport?
1) There is definitely competition.
2) The outcome is not known in advance.
3) A lot of physical skill is required.
4) There are a lot of ups and downs.
5) There is usually at least one ball in play.
I'd say yes. On the other hand, the "winners" end up with mortgages and college payments, so the prize structure is somewhat inverted.
Post #5,620
8/17/01 11:49:08 AM

why do ya think they call it a sporting house?:)
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves. Chuck Palahniuk
Post #5,667
8/17/01 4:10:31 PM

Now that's an Olympic event I'd pay to see
"When it crosses my mind to do something, I don't ask why, I ask why not. And usually there's no reason not to, so I just go ahead. It's given me the strangest collection of hats"
Post #5,087
8/14/01 2:45:03 PM

Re: Auto racing as a sport
"Racing is the only sport. All the rest are games."
Can't remember who said it, and I don't completely agree, but interesting data point from a participant.
This is my sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Post #5,096
8/14/01 2:54:09 PM

I don't think that it would be as dangerous as it is, if it weren't for real.
Ask Ayrton Senna, Roland Ratzenberger, and more recently, Dale Earnhardt, about that.
Racing is indeed the only other sport besides cricket.
-- Peter Shill For Hire
Post #5,104
8/14/01 3:06:21 PM

Re: Auto racing as a sport
There isn't the same physical demand on the body in auto racing like it is on the other sports I mentioned previously. That's why I don't consider auto racing a sport. I wouldn't call it a game like golf though.
Competitive cycling however is a sport.
Post #5,108
8/14/01 3:14:22 PM

Ya don't think?
Well, all them F1 drivers seem to spend a helluva lot of time getting ultra-fit for SOMETHING...
Driving at an average speed of 160MPH for 2 hours in a car with ~5mm travel in the suspension, pulling up to 3 or 4 Gs in the corners is *extremely* physically demanding.
-- Peter Shill For Hire
Post #5,135
8/14/01 3:52:54 PM

Re: Ya don't think?
Well a fat guy certainly isn't going to fit into the tight little cockpit.
It still is though different physical demands that in my mind makes it not a sport. As I said auto racing is debateable.
What about sky diving? Is that a sport? I consider it lunacy myself. :-)
Post #5,110
8/14/01 3:15:28 PM

I would beg to differ
There isn't the same physical demand on the body in auto racing like it is on the other sports I mentioned previously.
There's probably more physical demand placed on the body in an autorace than in a baseball game, for example.
I consider it a sport because it does involve competition as well as a high level of physical and mental skill and endurance
Jay O'Connor
"Going places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting"
Post #5,144
8/14/01 4:05:52 PM

Re: I would beg to differ
That's a bad example for me. I don't even like baseball very much. :-) Watching it that is. Playing it for fun is a different story.
You're still not going to convince me otherwise.
Post #5,146
8/14/01 4:10:30 PM

Don't matter
That's a bad example for me. I don't even like baseball very much. :-)
But is it a sport? I don't like baseketball or hockey, but I don't deny they are sports. My point was to compare autoracing to something generally considerd a sport that doesn't require as much physical exertion as auto-racing
Jay O'Connor
"Going places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting"
Post #5,113
8/14/01 3:16:01 PM

I would beg to differ
There isn't the same physical demand on the body in auto racing like it is on the other sports I mentioned previously.
There's probably more physical demand placed on the body in an autorace than in a baseball game, for example.
I consider it a sport because it does involve competition as well as a high level of physical and mental skill and endurance
Jay O'Connor
"Going places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting"