Post #50,562
9/5/02 12:15:19 AM

Some thoughts on Bush admin & tactics
As always (grin) try to debate issues from both points of view & during the drought of the past 2 weeks got to thinking why the particular people in Bush admin were so gung-ho about invading Iraq when to date, there has been almost no serious evidence to connect Iraq to 9/11 or to show that Hussien has made any further progress with nuke development.
What seems evident is that the 'hawks' are the same people who got behind Ronald Reagan and fed him the lines he used when he called Russia the 'Evil Empire' & initiated the Star Wars program.
What ever anyone thought about Reagan back then or now, history showed that the tactics used by the republican right back then *worked*. Reagan's admin stopped the progress of communist infiltration in South America & the countries above - albeit at an awful cost in human rights and oppression of downtrodden people in some of those countries at the time. Having next blunted Communism in Africa - they took on the Soviets with the Star Wars stunt & effectively bankrupted them (Soviets fell for the trap of diverting desperately needed funds for rebuilding old infrastructure, into military spending against an impossible target).
Some are arguing that by repeating such tactics today using Bush as the latter-day-Reagan that the US can finally pressure those countries fuelling the trouble amongst the Palestinians & Israelis (a non-stop festering sore that hasn't been allowed to heal) and prevent the situation getting so far out of hand that it leads to war anyway.
There does seem to be a logical conclusion here. Saddam Hussien really has been a major force for fermentting strife in Palestine - he tried to set the region alight back in the gulf war with his scuds & I don't doubt that he has been behind supplying weapons and moral support to the Palestinians who walked away from an equitable peace deal with Israel's Barak.
It would make sense to me if Bush's admin really did have lots of evidence (much of it is public anyway) that Iraq and also to a lesser degree Iran & then Syria, have been the ones behind keeping Palestine going as an anti-Israel ant-US open sore and on-going threat to peace & stability in that region.
Perhaps this same group of republicans (Perl, Cheney, Rumsfelt, Wolfowitz etc:) have a valid line of reasoning that says 'buggar sensitivities - if we don't get really aggressive with certain perenial trouble makers in the middle east, we will for ever be in trouble there'. Perhaps the 'Axis-of-Evil' speech combined with the threat of toppling Saddam Hussien, is the same medicine the broke the back of the cold war.
As a side thought I don't really know where oil fits in the above scenario as anytime I look at the issue of US & oil, it never looks nice.
Doug Marker
Post #50,570
9/5/02 1:02:03 AM

The problem with that theory
That theory has been advanced by a lot of people to support the Republican party. The problem is that there is no reason to believe it's true, there is no evidence to suggest that the goal of Star Wars was anything other then the stated one.
That it happened to bring down the government of Russia accidently was nice, but not a good reason to support those people now. More over, their history in South America is a good reason not to support them. In South America they did stop the communists, but they also stopped the democrats and all other reformers.
As for Saddam supporting the radical Palastinians, AFAIK, the only thing he has done is give money to suicide bombers. Not a good thing but mostly a publicity stunt to build up support among Arabs.
Post #50,630
9/5/02 12:56:01 PM

Reasons to believe that it isn't true.
Our intelligence organizations did NOT know how badly off the Russian economy was.
We running massive red ink then, also. If we had kept it up, we might have been the ones bankrupt.
Post #50,656
9/5/02 4:04:44 PM

(cynical) Doesn't matter anyway
We running massive red ink then, also. If we had kept it up, we might have been the ones bankrupt. Back when we were running our (largely imaginary) surplus, everyone and his dog in Congress was falling all over themselves trying to get their own particular brand of pork into any and every bill. Business as usual, regardless of who had control of which branch of government.
The lawyers would mostly rather be what they are than get out of the way even if the cost was Hammerfall. - Jerry Pournelle
Post #50,588
9/5/02 9:10:41 AM

Soviet Communism collapsed by itself, shortly after...
Reagan decided we should stop propping it up with compromises and financial aid. This might work with Red China too, someday.* But not Iraq. Iraq is small enough that other nations can prop it up.
Oh, and don't go whining about human rights violations in Latin America. Much worse was done by Shining Path and the like. Not to mention every regime that ever went before in that chunk of the world, all the way back to the Aztecs and (probably) the Incas.
The Third World's problem is the Third World. Oppression, of any variety, is just an opportunistic infection.
* Who's to say there's anything more to China's economic miracle than there was to the Soviet counterpart? "We have seen the future, and it works!"
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Everything's a mystery until you figure out how it works. We are here to go! The nihilists and the liars have buried truth alive in a shallow grave.
Post #50,590
9/5/02 9:24:41 AM

Re: What a wonderful compacted view you have of the world ..
I envy the simplicity of your perceptions & views. I truly wish I had the ability to see things in such compacted & simple & clear-cut terms.
Post #50,677
9/5/02 6:50:37 PM

Frankly, Doug, I don't think you could hack it ;-)
But if you want to sample it; sorta like doing a couple lines of heroin.. to see what the fuss is all about? - just Google Human Events and follow a few links. You'll soon see the pattern.
(My wacko-Gramma was a readin and a stewin over these Massive Simplicities since.. I was a tyke) Why she even ordered an autographed copy! of [link|| The Bricker Amendment] -- presented as if her Family Bible\ufffd. Planned to save me from them sure-to-Be Commies at the Institute - who natcherly were gonna fill my nascent brain full of that Rousseau, Tom Paine, T. Jefferson et al subversive history stuff yada yada.
(Hah..! as if the teaching of popular absurdities to the young as Revealed-Truth - was going to be suspended.. just for *My* benefit !?)
This attempted amendment was the '50s equivalent of the replay now re any Murican IDEA of umm "international law" == sure we'll play.. just so long as y'all See All Things Exactly Our Way. If not? We'll buy or fight our way to what we want: like a certain s/ware marketing company du jour (?) But please to call it, "Our Fight for Freedom for All.. to become just as Fucked as We Are\ufffd". Screw them heathens or burn 'em.. That's the ticket.
Neat, simple cant - nothing new in 2002; same folks that did the earlier magazine: now on the Web. Le pl\ufffds sa change ... m\ufffdme chose.
Give it a whirl; I predict - you won't be happy there. :-(
Ashton Mesmer Cayce Nostradamus Remanufactured Personalities LLC
Post #50,776
9/6/02 3:33:46 AM

Re: Human Events (or was that Humourous Even)
[link||See what you mean (grin)]
Thought this link might be exactly what you were trying to point out. But my first recation was that I had reached 'The Onion'.
Cheers Doug
(seeing as it wasn't Onion, the style & intensity would seem to be at home in bible belt (perhaps that is where in eminates from))
Post #50,784
9/6/02 5:19:18 AM

Yup, Mourning Becomes Elektra
I see you found The Lovely Ann, wearing her rather pretty human face mask.
or.. there's never so facile a slanderer as a self-ID'd 'Conservative'.. speakin in high dudgeon about *Them* and conservin what matters Mo$t. Can ya just imagine sayin that good old dictionary word, once applied to a kind of education of yore, spelled l i b e r a l but spat..
as if full if sibilants? Imagine how That sounded, back in the days before Tailgunner Joe McCarthy drank hisself to death (and ya couldn't say even damn! on the Tee Vee). But you Could.. hisssss.
Maybe it's the water + a lot of whippings for not getting the manual of arms right, while growing up?
Puzzled in Peoria,
Post #50,926
9/6/02 11:08:34 PM

Question for Doug and Ashton.
What do you think?
If Stalin had not succeeded Lenin, IF Trotsky had been allowed to survive, IF Buhkarov (English sp?) had survived, IF Murican capitalism and its fear of a true "workers' revolution" had not had undue influence, IF there had never been a COCCOM, IF we didn't place nukes in Turkey and *force* the USSR to put nukes in Cuba, etc., could a true "workers revolution" have succeeded?
I don't think so. I don't think so because the majority of US, imnsho, have always been fat, lazy and stupid.
What are your thoughts?
Post #50,938
9/6/02 11:53:37 PM

Oh WTF why not..
What this comes down to IMhO, is whether Marx, Lenin, Engels, Trotsky et al (apart from personal proclivities and any secret desires to be a Boss) - were sufficiently excellent psychologists re what this many humans might actually do - if given the Chance [?]
Next, the obvious rebuttal to the above: the Western presumption of ~ the built-in cupidity of all homo-saps (the basis IMO for the creepy and mandatorily disingenous "dealings of business" - that which makes every biznessperson a congenital liar, merely to survive in this social-Darwin schema). Were the Western folks right or just Creeps [?]
Since neither of the protagonist groups ever had access to sterile lab-rat homo-saps for any statistically meaningful tests of their theses: I submit that all we can do with your postulate is - guess. And recall how many fav theories (and their authors) of human psych have come and gone: before, during and after the above actors. Each one believed to have been {At Last} revealed Truth! du jour.
But as it's an essay question, I'll just opine: Homo-sap, a most machine-like creature, whenever denied the opportunity for mental growth - is infinitely malleable. Lord of the Flies IS what English schoolboys *would* have done (in that day; maybe still?). Anthro folks hold the catalog of known variants - it's a long list which still can't hold all the possibilities!
So I'll laterally arabesque and say: I don't believe that such a radical re-orienting of a large tribe could occur, in close proximity to the [highly contagious, I assert] powerful effects of Negative-reinforced behaviour: that of inducing greed and selfishness by example and inculcation, from infancy.
cf. The song in South Pacific, "You've Got to be Carefully Taught (to Hate)": *that* sort of negativity, which we see occurs all around us in 'our' milieu of perpetually dissatisfied mass consumption.
Could better sharing have been practical, accceptable and .. for want of better similes, 'deeply satisfying'? = thus set the basis for the rest of the Workers and Others' Paradise?
Sure.. I'd bet on it. From all life experience to date. But it is moot. Only decimation via whatever real Idiocy we next commit; slow recovery and freedom from inculcated habits of such cultures as today: could ever permit a genuine test.
What I cannot imagine is: 'conversion' of any but the poor and wretched - while present habits exist. And even then, once capable of hygiene, food, shelter - the seed of "endless desire for More even after having Very Much" - would have been sown. In that sense: "The USSR" might have fared better, longer - had it not morphed into a fascist regime immediately, but I believe that The West\ufffd would have found *even that* or perhaps *especially* that: a target for destruction. Why?
Because: a civilized person can act like a savage, but a savage cannot emulate a civilized one. We are savages, Armani suit or not.
Maybe in another 'yuga'.?. as the India folk call these longish periods of, a certain sameness of behaviour.
Post #51,054
9/8/02 5:04:58 PM

Maybe it's simple.
An interesting feature of Murican humans is that the overwhelming majority of them are concerned (almost obsessed) with what those with more than they possess have, and care not a tinker's damn about what those with less than they possess have. Moreover, most of them think they have substantially less (in the relative sense) than they do. For instance, if you ask a married couple (both degreed, making 50K a piece) they'll tell you they are "middle class". Then look at the IRS statistics, they're in the top 10%. Inform them of that and they are dumbfounded.
The problem may simply be that not enough people are concerned with people not doing as well as they, and too many are concerned with how well people are doing better than they are.
That was awkward, perhaps this is better: "Too many people look up and not enough look down, never realizing where they truly are."
Post #51,126
9/9/02 2:10:56 PM

Check out "Atlas Shrugged" for an example of Communist
In short, it would only work if
a) cost of production of _everything_ would drop to 0 (What Marx expected. Will never happen. If all things are free, people will _invent_ costly luxuries. And lust after them)
b) all people have the same level of contribution. Nope, not happenning either.
We have only 2 things to worry about: That things will never get back to normal, and that they already have.
Post #51,154
9/9/02 8:03:53 PM

Such as we are
the 'inventing of luxuries' seems apt. That individuals would ever strive to differentiate selves as an 'individual' - is what I'd call the parent process, though.
Postulating a more mature stage of development, I see no inherent reason why the lust to accumulate, 'the competition to outconsume others' of today - is some inescapable human tendency; I believe it is learned behaviour, modified (in the US by the Puritanism and by early illusions/models of John Wayne rugged asocial individualism, yada yada).
But such as we are - of course John Galt's ideas weren't practicable (leaving aide all the mis-applications of Rand's entire schtik, since). Ditto Marx, Trotsky et al. 'Cost of production' and a bevy of other concepts from Mr. Keynes, as well as the entire Machiavellian mindset - are not IMhO Revealed Truth about humans either, merely efforts to codify that which we always seem to do. Such as we currently are.
Post #51,164
9/9/02 9:47:58 PM

Even before we go inventing luxuries,
we need to make the cost of all existing products to be 0. That's not happening anytime soon.
Rand's stuff is unpractical because she never asked the most important question: where do Galt's opponents come from in such numbers?
We have only 2 things to worry about: That things will never get back to normal, and that they already have.
Post #51,058
9/8/02 8:38:59 PM

Feel sorry for her
I actually feel sorta sorry for Ann Coulter. She lost one of her close friends on 9/11 and just went off the deep end.
She was always a Republican partisan, and has always gotten by as much on her looks as her writing talents. But since 9/11, everything that isn't part of good American Republicanism is part of the Axis of Evil. Everything that doesn't flow from Bush must come from Bin Laden, absolute black and white.
Unfortunatly she has a rather prominant platform to spew from because she was resonably well known before. Since 9/11 her writing has degenerated down to the level of the worst partisan hack writing you can imagine. It's on par with bad Creationist tracts and Neo-Nazi historical revisionism.
Post #51,258
9/10/02 4:13:59 PM

Re: Yup, Mourning Becomes Elektra
Pretty? Man Ash, you need to get out of NoCal! Go somewhere with scenery!
Post #51,112
9/9/02 12:33:24 PM

I'm sure you could think as clearly as I, if you only dared.
But no, that would lead to conclusions you're not willing to accept. So you are reduced to denying all inconvenient truths and sneering at your betters.
And by the way, there's plenty of evidence of Hussein's evil, and abundant reason to conclude that he's supporting terrorists and trying to acquire nukes. You know this full well. You just don't want to acknowledge it.
The refusal to face facts is the ultimate cowardice.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Everything's a mystery until you figure out how it works. We are here to go! The nihilists and the liars have buried truth alive in a shallow grave.
Post #51,125
9/9/02 1:59:32 PM

Let's not totally defile the word 'clarity' - shall we not?
What you mistake for clarity is what every Edsel designer also mistook for 'clarity' - distill The World down to (my) Right and (their) Wrong -- then we get Your 'clarity'.
In case you haven't noticed, as it appears you haven't: there is NO One 'Good' way to choose amongst the hundreds of conflicting national and international +/- s of "a US-launched first strike on Anyone, in 2002". There are only a myriad of unintended consequences of any simple-minded mindset on this very large matter, whose acting-out defiles both the US Constitution and the principles of all sane people elsewhere.
As William Blake observed, "The General Good" is the plea of the scoundrel, the hypocrite, the flatterer..
Your 'General Good' is the same one as my Gramma's - the one which needed a carefully insulated mindset of Others' fabrication + Me too.
"I Say:"
Murica suffers overall from a lack of imagination - it is evident in the growing number of people in our new for-profit prisons, Most! there for choosing a drug they like, which is Not producing revenue for pharm-chem Corps or which otherwise offends Puritans and other Authorities.
Similarly we do not see just how much we could alter the world positively - were we to spend a tiny fraction of our military budget in that direction. Poverty in imagination R US. What else does one expect from ingrained Puritanism - where imagination was ever a terminal offense? Our decline demonstrates these propositions.
Post #51,349
9/11/02 3:12:51 AM

But there is a moral difference
What we did in Central America was a direct and deliberate offense against our own values. What the Aztecs did was (for the most part) in accord with their values. Shining Path ain't about democracy. We are.
And on a personal note, **** *** and the horse you rode in on. Those Latin Americans aren't abstractions, some of those are/were my friends.
---- United we stand
Divided we dominate the planet without really trying