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New No go. The D-Link knows when the printer is on, etc.
hi Bill,

Thanks for the quick reply.

Can you "login" to the d-link?

Yes, in a way. Simply connecting via http to opens the configuration web page. I don't know how one would talk to it via the serial port though.

hook a serial cable from your lpt port to the dlink port and run the following command from the prompt. Copy c:\\autoexec.bat LPT1 <ent> does this cause flashing lights on the d-link?

The serial port on the DI-704P is a standard 9-pin D serial connector. The Epson printer uses a Centronics parallel interface. There's no easy way to directly interface the parallel printer port to the D-Link.

Trying to copy a text file to LPT1 gives a "path not found - LPT1" for some reason. (No printer is connected to LPT1 at the moment. If I do connect the printer to LPT1, it works fine.)

The D-Link hardware side of things seems to be working fine. If I turn off the Epson when it's connected to the D-Link's print server, the status web page of the D-Link says the printer is Not Ready.

Thinking that the problem might due to not having MS's Windows Networking installed, I just did that. It didn't help - I get the same error messages as described in the previous message. (The problem with MS's Windows Networking is that it defaults to sending out "Who's out there!" messages very frequently, so that it's always restarting the modem connection. Presumably there's a way to turn off this broadcast message - I'll try disabling the Browse Master ...)

If I do a Net View, I only see the Compaq machine. The D-Link doesn't show up (but I guess that's not surprising either as it's not explicitly part of the same windows Workgroup.)

I rechecked D-Link's web page. About the only other thing it suggests is sending 'RAW' data to the printer. Since that's the only option for the Epson, that can't be the problem either. :-(

In short, it seems to be a Windows issue - surprise, surprise. WinME seems to be expecting the D-Link to be a computer and seems to want an address for it, or something. But D-Link claims this combination works.

It's a bit aggravating, but such is life with PCs. These days everyone tries to make things "simple" by hiding the complexity. If there's a problem, it can be almost impossible to figure out how to fix it.

Thanks again. I'll see about calling them tomorrow.

New On the port and cable linking
Sorry should have been more specific. The printer port on the d-link should be either a 9 pin or db25pin the printer cable has a centronics plug. I meant to say attach a serial cable from the pc lpt port (usually a db25 pin) to the d-link printer port db25 or 9 pin. Then run the command and see if the d-link blinks. SInce you have logged into the d-link and it says the system is up it should be all right from that side. From the windows side it has to address the raw port. The epson software should be able to tickle an ip address. I know jet direct for HP can drive it. Do ou have the latest epson software?
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/Resume.html|skill set]
[link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/index.html|boxley's home page]
New See post below. :-)
Hi Bill,

Thanks for your help. It seems to be a software issue. The post below has some links that I'll try.

     OK, so I've got this D-Link DI-704P. Works fine, except... - (Another Scott) - (10)
         WAG - (boxley) - (3)
             No go. The D-Link knows when the printer is on, etc. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 On the port and cable linking - (boxley) - (1)
                     See post below. :-) - (Another Scott)
         Seems to be a common problem.... - (Another Scott)
         Re: OK, so I've got this D-Link DI-704P. Works fine, except - (pwhysall) - (4)
             that would have been my first thought but assumed - (boxley)
             As you suspect, and the Google link indicates... - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 Question 2 - (morganek) - (1)
                     Good info. Thanks for the tips! -NT - (Another Scott)

Ignore the man behind the curtain!
36 ms