Post #50,469
9/4/02 6:41:30 PM
To rebut our canadian friend the WDYHASM
[link|| Genocide by definition] I think Ben has mentioned the institutionalized racism to the North but this is the first time I have seen a lot of the pieces all in one place. At least in America we gave up on trying to change the Natives culture, we were satisfied just to steal anything not nailed down. thanx, bill
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Post #50,479
9/4/02 7:16:15 PM
Worse than I knew.
In the late 80's, early 90's nobody heard about that. Unless you had Indian friends. Which I did, but not close ones and they didn't volunteer great amounts of detail on their pasts to me.
So I knew it was bad, but not specifics.
Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. -- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (1930-2002)
Post #50,626
9/5/02 12:39:51 PM
More info on tuberculosis
[link||Not from that Nexus site]
TB bacteria are spread from person to person in infected droplets from the coughs of people who have untreated lung TB. These droplets are extremely tiny and can remain suspended in the air for several hours. When a person inhales these infected droplets, TB bacteria enter the lungs and multiply in a small area of the lung's alveoli (air sacs) and tiny airways...
In children, the progression from TB infection to TB disease happens more rapidly than in adults. Approximately 40 percent to 50 percent of untreated infants and 15 percent of untreated older children infected with TB bacteria ultimately develop TB disease, usually within one year to two years. In some of these children, TB involves parts of the body other than the lungs, which sometimes makes the infection more difficult to diagnose.
When the body's immune system defenses cannot control the initial TB infection and TB disease develops, the disease can take several different forms. There can be pulmonary tuberculosis, in which TB bacteria attack one specific area of the lungs (called a "focus") and its nearby lymph nodes (glands). Children with this type of TB are not contagious - they do not transmit the bacteria to other people. Some children develop progressive tuberculosis, which destroys local areas of lung tissue and forms lung cavities filled with bacteria and debris. Tuberculosis may also spread through the blood or lymph vessels to distant areas of the body, causing disseminated tuberculosis. In disseminated tuberculosis, TB bacteria travel to the liver, spleen, skin, bones, joints, kidneys, and the meninges and set up sites of disease...
In industrialized countries such as the United States, the risk for TB disease is highest among those who:
* Live with someone who has an untreated TB infection * Are exposed to TB bacteria as part of their job (doctors, nurses, health-care workers) * Were born in a part of the world that has a high incidence of TB disease and infection, especially Asia, Africa, or Latin America * Live in a nursing home or other long-term-care facility * Use intravenous or injectable drugs * Are infected with HIV * Live in poverty * Are homeless * Are migrant farm workers or prisoners in correctional facilities...
Complete antituberculosis treatment involves taking several different medications at once for periods of many months. This is because TB bacteria are coated with a natural protective capsule that is hard for medicines to penetrate. Also, many TB bacteria are becoming resistant to the medicines that have been used in the past.
I say:
Pills and injections. Hmmmmm...
I'm not yet ready to say categorically that this whole thing is bogus. But let's have some healthy skepticism here.
Three things here are undeniable:
1. Crowded conditions are unhealthy. 2. Poverty is unhealthy. 3. Native Americans are notorious for having very poor resistance to various and sundry infectious diseases.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Everything's a mystery until you figure out how it works. We are here to go! The nihilists and the liars have buried truth alive in a shallow grave.
Post #50,653
9/5/02 3:35:42 PM
Well if you consider OUR government injected
radioactive material into eskimoes just to see what would happen without their consent. And they experimented on Black Men with Syphilis, I would not challenge the veracity of that document too much. If you check into where the hep c vacine human trials were held it was in Native Hospitals in Alaska. This wasnt in the way past it was 1998. When you have officials visiting your home telling your wife that the kid could be in danger if she wasnt signed into testing program is coercion. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] [link||boxley's home page]
Post #50,702
9/5/02 8:34:22 PM
What I find astounding about you
Odds are that you haven't even heard of the Canadian Residential School System before. But upon hearing some bad stuff about it your first impression is, I'm not yet ready to say categorically that this whole thing is bogus. But let's have some healthy skepticism here...
And you think that anyone else should care about your uniformed opinion?
Before dismissing the overall story I strongly recommend verifying that they existed, natives were forced to go and live in these schools (hence residential) by law, there was widespread physical and sexual abuse, the Canadian government has admitted that they constituted genocide, and literally thousands of people have filed private lawsuits over what happened there. There are literally so many cases that there is a department of the Federal government dedicated to helping sort them out, and there are questions about whether the Anglican Church should be allowed to go bankrupt from liability over claims.
About individual claims, that is a question. I have personal reasons for suspecting that high levels of death were not accidental. But the levels of drug abuse are high, and I do not have to look far to find people I have known who have eg heroin addictions. With addicts it is sadly sometimes hard to tell what is true and what was made up. (It is hard to tell if they know the difference in fact.) So there are definitely going to be people who "remember" things that didn't happen.
But that doesn't stop the actual facts from being shocking enough without adornment.
Cheers, Ben
Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. -- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (1930-2002)
Post #50,709
9/5/02 9:11:04 PM
In defence of marlowe in this instance only
The link was published with other links to alien abduction etc. The source material is corret I know from personal experience from a certain mohawk reserve. He was probably looking at the stuff it was tucked in with which does create skepticism. But in non defence let every article no matter where sourced from stand on its own feet and anotations. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] [link||boxley's home page]
Post #50,710
9/5/02 9:25:20 PM
I didn't even look through the rest of the page
I likewise already had independent confirmation of more than enough of it. :-(
Cheers, Ben
Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. -- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (1930-2002)
Post #50,761
9/6/02 1:54:06 AM
Re: I didn't even look through the rest of the page
If a tenth of it is true, it's enough to make a North American cry.
The lawyers would mostly rather be what they are than get out of the way even if the cost was Hammerfall. - Jerry Pournelle
Post #50,851
9/6/02 1:49:09 PM
Time to start crying then
Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. -- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (1930-2002)
Post #50,734
9/5/02 10:57:54 PM
You're right. I am uninformed. In or out of uniform.
For example, this heroin angle is news to me. I was presuming the traditional rural liquor plus pot combo, with occasional pills. `Course nowadays even the boonies have the fashionable hard drugs.
I was only commenting on the allegation of genocide, which was based on facts that look more like an unsuccessful TB treatment interpreted through paranoid eyes. I have no comment on all that other nastiness. So calm down.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Everything's a mystery until you figure out how it works. We are here to go! The nihilists and the liars have buried truth alive in a shallow grave.
Post #50,850
9/6/02 1:48:41 PM
I thought that you were just disbelieving the stories
That is why the mention of heroin. There is a particular person that I am thinking of here who was a junkie and has a lot of very dubious stories. In general it isn't hard to find natives telling wild stories, and the wildest are easy to dismiss.
As for TB, it is a matter of public record that in the early 1900's fully a quarter of the kids sent to the residential schools died of TB. And nobody really cared. It is also a matter of public record that not many years earlier natives were being given unwashed blankets from public hospitals in hopes of making them sick. Certainly attitudes hadn't changed much, so it would not be surprising if this was due to intentional policy. But so far as I know no "smoking gun" has emerged. (Nor is the government very interested in assisting any investigations that might turn one up. Their only real defence against the thousands of lawsuits that they face is plausible deniability. If clear written evidence shows up of the gentleman's agreements, the liability lid could shoot sky-high.)
Remember that the government department administrating this had the intentional goal to take care of the "Indian Problem" by getting rid of it. In all official statements on the topic the way to get rid of it was "assimilation". OTOH the evidence that I have seen suggests that all of the people who were busily talking about that also firmly believed that Indians were an inferior people, and I find it hard to square that with integrating them into white society on equal terms.
Also this should be put into context with a whole series of government policies aimed at making Canada safe for whites. In particular the history of the Department of Control of the Chinese makes for sad reading. I kid you not. That was a cabinet level post for decades. Its purpose was to get the Chinese return to China without having to tell them to do so in so many words...
Regards, Ben
Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. -- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (1930-2002)