I was thinking of an Army of "Terminators", and making "Skynet" stations in space, but it will cost too much. Our budget, if we ever get one, will be to take what is left of the "Battlebots" from the trashcan dumpster behind the station that films the show, and then rebuild them with better weapons and armor. Then let the Recycled "Battlebots" be our army.
Or we can just take a bunch of Penguins and stick rockets on their backs and... nah it's been done already "Batman Returns" and all that. :)
Mercenaries tend to hang out with skanky hookers and tend to catch VDs/STDs too often from those skanky hookers. We would do better to recuit cats and dogs and then give them a brain upgrade to a cerebrial implant that we can control. But then that would also cost a lot, yet without it we wouldn't be able to control the cats and dogs and they would just fight each other.