Feel free to port Schneier's ;)
I use PasswordSafe from Counterpane, but it's a Winders-only version at present. But cf their [link|http://sourceforge.net/projects/passwordsafe/|Sourceforge page] if you feel like helping out the world with a port.
Finisterre said that while he wanted to resolve the dispute with HP, he resented receiving DMCA threats. "We are like the guys that found out that Firestone tires have issues on Ford explorers," he said. "It's not our fault your Explorer has crap tires. We just pointed it out. We should not get attacked for pointing out issues in someone\ufffds product nor for proving it is possible."
Many fears are born of stupidity and ignorance -
Which you should be feeding with rumour and generalisation.
BOfH, 2002 "Episode" 10