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New It's a most logical argument.
It's the argument of every Authoritarian. After all, what is authoritarianism but, a tacit contract ~ I Know (the uniquely best decision to be made in any next event) + a sufficiently large gaggle of folks who (Believe That). Nice synergy - when you can get it.

At ~ age 13, it's easy to look at a situation and decide how you'd forcibly eject and reinstall each unpleasantly Not-You player on the board. Prolly makes for great IT game smarts. (Or maybe.. great IT smarts leads to the delusion that human affairs can be diagrammed and an algorithm found: a uniquely correct one) Hah!

You merely want to extirpate a bunch of local leaders, reconstruct a few ancient cultures within a considerable land area [with oil]: all fuelled by the same sort of theological sociopathy as is found in the extremes of our local theosophists: and Make It All Well.

Must be a kind of fun.. to see the world as just another NWN and all ya need is Human Events as blueprint to mold the millions into your mindset (The Correct One). Megalomania fun maybe - even the Pope claims infallibility only in matters of faith and morals!

[and he gets to 'define' both! according to just his own mindset too, via that synergy mentioned]

Cute idea for a board game, though.. maybe you should read some Bobbie Burns re the best laid plans of mice and men -

Old English Prayer:

Dear Lord, please protect me from the wrath of those who Know (also from: your Followers).
New You fear the wrath of those who know?
I used to fear the interference of those who haven't got a clue. But I'm a lot less worried about y'all nowadays. Except the ones protected by the civil service union. They can still do real damage. And we'll straighten out that situation when we can get to it.

Comin' through. Make way and watch your toes. And pardon us for having a clue.
Everything's a mystery until you figure out how it works.
Free Joel Mowbray!
I'm a-gonna put a gun rack on my SUV.
New you on the "day of the rope" commitee? Neat!
Dont think the crew in DC has much of a clue. We supported the islamists to keep the socialists/commies out and are now paying the price. What we need is an unstable middle east. The following will indicate why
the Israeli Army outnumbers the US army so a general war would seriously fsck some countries up. Jordan has to play a timid game because of Iraq and the Palestinians. If Israel rolled into Iraq at the same time we came boiling out of Turkey it would be a done deal. The easiest way would be to Polish border the Jordinian/Iraqi border. A few prisoners attacking a Jordanian Radio Tower would suffice the blitz into bhagdad, turn south to mecca, stop respectfully outside while the hashemite kingdom slaughter every wahabi in site then invite the Iranians, Pashto, Indonesian and Sufis to partition the city withe the Hashemites. Meanwhile we secure our oilfields and invite the russians to join in. As long as we stay the hell out of the bend in the volga we will be ok.
."Once, in the wilds of Afghanistan, I had to subsist on food and water for several weeks." W.C. Fields
New Yup, that pretty much describes it, don't it?
I used to fear the interference of those who haven't got a clue.

Yes, that describes the current administration very nicely. So why do you no longer fear them?
"About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. "
-- Edsger W.Dijkstra (1930 - 2002)
(I wish more managers knew that...)
     OpEd: the case for destabilization - (marlowe) - (10)
         H I S T O R Y - (Brandioch)
         It's a most logical argument. - (Ashton) - (3)
             You fear the wrath of those who know? - (marlowe) - (2)
                 you on the "day of the rope" commitee? Neat! - (boxley)
                 Yup, that pretty much describes it, don't it? - (jb4)
         Unforunately.... - (Mike) - (4)
             And "stability" is a euphemism for mass suffering caused by - (marlowe) - (3)
                 yer learning, we'll make an anarchist out of you yet! -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                     Not likely. - (marlowe)
                 Yes I take your point - (Mike)

When The Wall fell, I had a basement full of homebrew and a freezer full of venison here in The Land of the Free. All quite legal, unless I committed capitalism, in which case it becomes felonious.
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