Multinationals have several tactics for getting laws passed that play off of having multiple countries to ask for favours from.
One of them is to get a friendly jurisdiction to pass laws that give them what they want, and then try to get it passed elsewhere for reasons of "harmonization". This is how the Sony-Bono act was passed in the US, and what they are trying to do with the DMCA elsewhere. Often what they try to get passed elsewhere will be even more generous than the original. (The Sony-Bono act would be an excellent example.) This is the international version of a kid going to one parent and saying what the other parent "said" the kid can do.
A related trick is to try to get a treaty passed between countries with terms they would have trouble getting passed in either country, and to only pursue specific laws once they have that. Overuse of this tactic is why a lot of people dislike the WTO.
I am sure that there are plenty of other variations...