Oh no, don't do that
whoever runs up against him won't stand a Ghost of a chance in Missouri, where we elect dead people to office and then put their wives in their place. Then the loser will be picked up by the Bush administration like Ashcroft was.
It would be better if I ran, due to a lack of available canidates. I hear that "term limits" has kicked out a lot of State Representatives, I should put my name on the ballot and see what happens. It pays $30,000 to $50,000 per session, and has a lot of perks. Of course I may have to switch to the Republican party, but I already did that temporaily recently anyway. Ah heck, why not, Republicans seem to earn more money than Democrafts anyway, and most Democrats that I know are chronically unemployed in my area.
[link|http://games.speakeasy.net/data/files/khan.jpg|"Khan!!!" -Kirk]