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New Beauty queen resigns, nude pics taken of her w/o her knowing
Starts a landslide of other forced resignations.

The whole shocking story [link|http://salon.com/people/satire/2002/08/09/beauty_scandals/index.html|here].
Re-elect Gore in 2004
New We must praise the moral purity of these women
They cannot be reminded too often that their very shape! is an abomination unto the Lords of Flatbush - for it incites Awfulness in the pious and otherwise corrupts our youth, distracting them from their daily flagellations.

Anyone recall the Twilight Zone? Outer Limits? episode wherein girls were expected to choose their New appearance from a catalog.. at a certain age: and One didn't want to be improved? The stubborn bitch.

New Oh come on
just once there should be a Beauty Pagent that encourages nude photos and other stuff. Ms. American Slut, or Ms. Nude Universe contests? There will be a website compeition, a phone sex competition, and cat fights as well to determine the winner. All will be televised via pay-Per-View, naturally, and you must be 18 years of age or older to order it. :)

[link|http://games.speakeasy.net/data/files/khan.jpg|"Khan!!!" -Kirk]
New I do believe there is (at least the 2nd one).
Chris Altmann
New Wrong section, dude
Should be under "Oh Pun" at least.
The lawyers would mostly rather be what they are than get out of the way even if the cost was Hammerfall. - Jerry Pournelle
New Satire? Under "Oh Pun"?
Satire and puns seem to me to be at opposite ends of humor spectrum. Yer right though. In future, that's where the satirical pieces go.
Re-elect Gore in 2004
New Eeek!
Someone with a "re-elect Gore in 2004" sig agreeing with me?

Arghhhhh (running in circles pulling what little hair I have out) Arghhhhh.


Almost *anyone* but Gore in both Repub and Demo parties would be good.
The lawyers would mostly rather be what they are than get out of the way even if the cost was Hammerfall. - Jerry Pournelle
New Given the Ashcroft run-off in Missouri,____ I nominate
[link|http://supreme.lp.findlaw.com/supreme_court/justices/pastjustices/tmarshall.html| Thurgood Marshall].
New Oh no, don't do that
whoever runs up against him won't stand a Ghost of a chance in Missouri, where we elect dead people to office and then put their wives in their place. Then the loser will be picked up by the Bush administration like Ashcroft was.

It would be better if I ran, due to a lack of available canidates. I hear that "term limits" has kicked out a lot of State Representatives, I should put my name on the ballot and see what happens. It pays $30,000 to $50,000 per session, and has a lot of perks. Of course I may have to switch to the Republican party, but I already did that temporaily recently anyway. Ah heck, why not, Republicans seem to earn more money than Democrafts anyway, and most Democrats that I know are chronically unemployed in my area.

[link|http://games.speakeasy.net/data/files/khan.jpg|"Khan!!!" -Kirk]
     Beauty queen resigns, nude pics taken of her w/o her knowing - (Silverlock) - (8)
         We must praise the moral purity of these women - (Ashton)
         Oh come on - (orion) - (1)
             I do believe there is (at least the 2nd one). -NT - (altmann)
         Wrong section, dude - (wharris2) - (4)
             Satire? Under "Oh Pun"? - (Silverlock) - (3)
                 Eeek! - (wharris2) - (2)
                     Given the Ashcroft run-off in Missouri,____ I nominate - (Ashton) - (1)
                         Oh no, don't do that - (orion)

You idiot! WE'RE the People's Front of Judea!
174 ms