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New And how, yeah - but not THAT way!
Orion wibbles away:
It is not that you made a pirated copy of the DVD or game, you bought a legit copy in another country (for cheaper than the US version, natually!) but are blocked from using it on a US player
Yeah, right -- cheaper than the US version, "natually"...

You really don't know what you're talking about, do you?

"The big scam", since you apparently don't know, is that the rest of the world gets to pay a heckovalot more than the USA.

[link|http://games.speakeasy.net/data/files/khan.jpg|"Kahn!!!" -Kirk]
BTW, it's "Khan", not "Kahn".
   Christian R. Conrad
Microsoft is a true reflection of Bill Gates' personality - the sleaziest, most unethical, ugliest little rat's ass the world has seen unto this time.
-- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=42971|Andrew Grygus]
New Corrections
My visit to Thailand in 2000 showed me that they sold DVDs over there cheaper than they do over in the US. Maybe in your neck of the woods they charge more?

The typo has been corrected. One finger faster than the other one.

[link|http://games.speakeasy.net/data/files/khan.jpg|"Khan!!!" -Kirk]
New I think the difference is...
...that the DVDs you saw in Thailand were *pirated* ones -- illegal copies pressed locally, without paying *anything* to the copyright holders.

What I'm talking about is the "official" price of the "real" stuff, the DVDs that the American media mega-corps sell in Europe (and, I guess, Thailand; although they probably don't sell a *lot* of 'em there, with competition from the pirates...)

And thanks for correcting the spelling -- though in the mean time, I suggested an alternative interpretation elsewhere. :-)
   Christian R. Conrad
Microsoft is a true reflection of Bill Gates' personality - the sleaziest, most unethical, ugliest little rat's ass the world has seen unto this time.
-- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=42971|Andrew Grygus]
New DVDs in Thailand
from a retail store, holograms on them, original shrink wrapped package, plastic box with original print on it, about 75% the price of the US Version. Pirated DVDs sold in flea markets, about 10% the price of US Versions, no holograms, no shrinkwrapped package, photocopied box cover in plastic sleve, and DVD with computer print in blocky format. You can tell the difference. I suppose it has to do with the value of the Thai Baht being lower than the US Dollar or something? Either that or the retail stores had a better quality pirated DVD that looks like and has all the feautres of the original DVD? If so, damn good job!

[link|http://games.speakeasy.net/data/files/khan.jpg|"Khan!!!" -Kirk]
New Prices of DVDs
My guess is that the average Thai makes less than the average US or European. So they price them affordably so people can buy them. Heck why not. They've already made back the investment in the US. Everything else is gravy. Besides, the disks only cost a buck a piece to burn in quantity.

Seems sensible. I haven't priced DVD's here yet. I have noticed machines that look like ATMs but seem to be about renting DVDs. I gotta figure those out.
I am out of the country for the duration of the Bush administration.
Please leave a message and I'll get back to you when democracy returns.
New DVD Pricing
I think you hit the nail on the head with that one. Economically the US and Europe workers earn more than the Thai workers so they can charge more for DVDs and other stuff. Your milage may vary based on the country you live in and its economy.

[link|http://games.speakeasy.net/data/files/khan.jpg|"Khan!!!" -Kirk]
     Region coding of console games now illegal in Au. :-) - (static) - (14)
         Sweet! - (tuberculosis) - (10)
             Try doing some research - (tonytib) - (9)
                 Big scam - (orion) - (6)
                     And how, yeah - but not THAT way! - (CRConrad) - (5)
                         Corrections - (orion) - (4)
                             I think the difference is... - (CRConrad) - (3)
                                 DVDs in Thailand - (orion) - (2)
                                     Prices of DVDs - (tuberculosis) - (1)
                                         DVD Pricing - (orion)
                 The ruling was not directly on DVDs. - (static) - (1)
                     More interesting: *anyone* take on RIAA head-to-head, like - (Ashton)
         Postscript: the MPAA is not impressed. - (static) - (2)
             Old tactic for multinationals - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                 It will be interesting to see them try. - (static)

So we're in the Temple of Mitra now?
47 ms