> I wish it was possible to negotiate that way. If you lowball, then they are
> usually suspicious.
Heh. Well, I didn't mean money wasn't a priority at all. :-)
It's just not the reason I chose to get into programming in the first place, and a higher salary is something that I'm willing to forego in place of other things (flexible hours, enjoyable/interesting subject matter, the freedom to work on self-directed projects, coworkers I enjoy collaborating with, etc.).
I had almost everything at NWA (including decent pay and flight bennies that I didn't use), which is one reason why I want to go back. Eventually.
> BTW, I am seriously thinking about standing out on the street corner with a
> sign that says "will program for min. wage!". If I don't get some revenue
> stream soon, my wife will increase the pressure to either take on more house
> work (which I dread), or bag grocories (which bores the sh8t out of me).
I already vacuum and do the bathrooms and litterboxes, but I did that before I was axed. I don't mind it as much as she does. :-)