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New Beat B? Not her stud-muffin vampire Angel, but *Dark* Angel!
New Yes Dark Angel
Her Transgenic body can beat Buffy's any day.

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Too bad that Fox killed it before the third season was shot. Maybe they will make a "Dark Angel" movie? Or maybe the Sci Fi channel will pick it up like they did "Sliders"?

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
     Birds of Prey - (orion) - (5)
         Oh Beelzebub Junior - (Ashton) - (4)
             Something for the WB to replace "Buffy" with. - (orion)
             Royal family or The Royle Family? - (Meerkat) - (2)
                 Beat B? Not her stud-muffin vampire Angel, but *Dark* Angel! -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                     Yes Dark Angel - (orion)

Are you scared yet?
75 ms