apparently Israel is wasting time negotiating with the PLO and should according to tjhat document negotiate with the Jordanian King and let him do whatever he wants in that area. :)
part two we are fscked and might as well give up now. No apatheid doesnt work and immegration is staying ahead of birth rates so far.
But hmmm that declaration makes no mention of 73 when Syria, Egypt and Jordan attacked on 3 fronts. So UN resolutions are only good until the next war or binding forever? What about the UN resolution of 1948? doesnt matter?
I know that many folks here on this board and elsewhere are well meaning and want a safe lasting solution to this as I do. We can do it with help. The other side seems nwilling and unable to abide by anything.

I dont know where you live but
if a partisan group locked out a part of town (lets use Cincinati's Ghetto for an example) and wanted self rule, and a modicum of self rule was granted but militants wanted to have more and send suicidse bombers into the white areas do you think the negotiating group would not be able to stop them? Or if they did not would you think that they are quietly encouraging them while playing kill whitey all the time on the negotiating groups wholey owned and operated radio station? and howe long would it last before people got totally fed up with the attitude?