or Sainthood? Of course for lunch in a strong carnivore area they could.. grab a head of lettuce and bring some decent non-preserved dressing but..
Where can ya grab a veggieburger in Norfolk, say?
Laziness is human and PETA's job is to provide theatre for at least keeping the *idea* out there that - just perhaps our food addictions might be just that: habit.
I think they are merely striking at the Great Stone Books \ufffd which love to opine: "hey you Own *all* this stuff - bon appetit" and other such fossilized justifications for raping the planet, without a second thought. Theirs is such a second thought.
Maybe somewhere between the extreme views of say, "what animals might be/mean ??" lies a somewhat better attitude than our present hubris.
PETA OK - warts and all, IMO.