I think you missed my reference
Perhaps I should refresh your memory...
Shaw: Madam, would you sleep with me for a million dollars?
Madam: Hmm, a million dollars, yeah, I guess I would.
Shaw: Well then, would you sleep with me for ten dollars?
Madam: Sir, what kind of woman do you take me for?
Shaw: Madam, what kind of woman you are has already been established; what remains is just to agree on a price.
My reference might have been an indicator that while I thought that my argument was fundamentally sound, you might be outraged by it. :-)
Yes, I know that Scott is exceptional. One in a million? I dunno. I happen to know an amazing number of "one in a million" people. Enough to convince me that what we think of as one in a million isn't, really. Or rather he
is, but there are a thousand different talents that strike us as being one in a million, so a thousand in a million can honestly claim to be one in a million at something impressive.
Anyways were I in charge of hiring, I would be willing to put my impression of competency before specific skills. Even if I was wrong about their ability at learning that specific skill, if they manage to impress me, there is generally going to be some role where they will work out well, it is just a question of figuring out what. (Unless I am plain wrong, which hopefully I would figure out sooner rather than later.)
"Perl is like vice grips. You can do anything with it, and it's the wrong tool for every job."