Yes, the election clock moves so s l o w l y as each day, W's bush-league mind digs us in deeper. His ignorance of international protocol, history, human nature - is appalling.

The effects at home will be equally hard to extirpate - judges appointed, 'Faith-based-government!' charities, Ashcroftian weirdness. Much of the unConstitutional legislation may.. be reversed, but the overseas hideousness will infect another generation, even if W should be impeached over some next excess [Hah! only if about sex].

No argument about the seriousness of the damage being committed - or the setback in our worldwide rep: "The Ugly American" syndrome, instead of waning via our (also) occasional humane *activities, will be our moniker, now for an extended period IMhO.

* the %GDP we spend in 'aid' is far less than any other civilized rich country spends, whatever propaganda implies / public opinion believes.

The youngest will pay the mostest for this Village Idiot term, later on. (20 years from now folks will still be arguing how much Clinton's pecker had to do with the accident of W's ascension ;-)

maybe it's all just Cosmic Humor? teachin humility n'stuff