Re: It is items like that, that challenges me as to ...
who is nuts!!!
If Bush can't truly see why *he* is now becoming the laughing stock of the non-US world - who can.
The daily news here from CNN is that in the US, Bush Jnr is heading for the same humiliating 1 term in office that daddy had (and yet I like his daddy (oh lawd - what an admission)). Bush Snr had us all (outside US) in the palm of his hand then we saw him lose office - that was stunning to us after the Gulf War.
With Dubya - we have learned our lessons: 1st we see a blatantly stolen election - an evil terrorist attack - an afghan cookie for lunch - a smashing crash in wall street - the US economy heading for recession & Bush is still at 69% popz (but sliding almost as fast as daddy (but we liked his daddy)).
And Dubya can't understand what is going on outside of the pop pollz in USA .....
Cheers & keep good humour - Doug