However, I can also say with absolute certainty that SBS has some of the worst salaries in the local area for the kind of work they're offering. In addition to paying what I was making as a computer tech in a small local computer chop shop SIX YEARS AGO...
1) 1 *YEAR* noncompete so broad that you cannot work in ANY high tech position without their permission. I consider this illegal on constitutional grounds, and am treating it as such. I've also notified their HR department of my position, and have received a notice from them that they will not hold me to the agreement. Now, I find this interesting because apparently they didn't have this restrictive policy until about six months ago, just before they lost the contract to Compaq. They also made all their employees sign the new noncompete or face early termination. Why is this so interesting? Well, read on...
2) Unethical hiring practices. Software testing at Microsoft is pretty much handled entirely by a contracting agency named Volt. SBS would like to snake into the software testing industry. Apparently, they've been sifting Monster.com for currently unemployed Volt employees, then making job offers at something close to unemployement (so that the individual can't refuse, or else lose their unemployement benefits) for 2-3 week assignments, and in exchange, the individual MUST sign the noncompete, locking them out of working for Volt for a year, and building a stable of testers who can ONLY work through SBS.
Yeah, you're saying "how do they know how much a Volt contractor makes?" Well, Volt pays their contractors a set rate based on the position title - and unemployment is based on a fraction of your total income over the previous 12 or 18 months IIRC. It's a pretty simple formula, and I could work out how much to offer somebody pretty easily...
I've talked to about 10 other Volt ex-employees who are in the same boat I was - and gave them the same advice that I took. Apparently, each of them knows a fair number of Volt employees in the same boat. By my guess, at least 200+ people have currently been nailed by SBS through this slimy scheme.
Businesses play games, and people lose their livelyhoods. Beware the ant that walks amongst the feet of giants...
There are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.