ADSL and SDSL in Australia requires Telstra in the picture. This is because they own the copper. Unfortunately, they had to be forced just short of legislative gunpoint to open up the DSLAMs to competitors because they want the cookie jar all for themselves.
My ADSL is with [link||Pacific Internet]. I'm paying AU$120 a month to have a static IP address on a 256/64 link that I can do (almost) what I like with. They aren't the cheapest, and this isn't even the cheapest of their packages! But the company I work for signs up our clients to the exact same service because PI are a responsive company with very good service (reputedly the best in Australian ADSL). And they've told us that $120/mo is where they are making money. The DHCP no-you-probably-shouldn't-run-a-server-but-we-don't-check 256/64 "home" service at $65/mo - which is competitive here - is not making them money and they quietly suggest to people that if they can afford it, then go for the $120/mo one.
I'd rather pay a bit more and keep my provider making money, thanks.