my colon problems, and the problems that others have that are involved in this suit should be evidence enough that fast food is unfit for human consumption. Would you like the results of my coloscopy or something?

Your colon problems, unfortunate though they are, are evidence of nothing other than your diet was unsuitable or that you had some other physical issue.
After avoiding fast food, I have been doing a lot better, but still in a lot of pain. But I suppose that pain and suffering as a result of a company's negilgence is not good enough reason to change the way they do business? A lot of the hamburgers were half-cooked and red inside, or made to sit under a heat lamp for hours until it resembled some kind of rubber product. We must protect the consumer from this type of food and make fast food places serve healthier food. I am not asking for a multi-million dollar settlement, I just want the corps to take responsibility for their actions and make an effort to make their food healthier. Why? Apparently most citizens are hooked on fast food and it has made us obease and a lot sicker than he should be.