Post #47,015
7/26/02 9:18:43 AM

Oh Puhleeezze
What's in those meals is fully disclosed (in terms of fat, salt, etc). Don't believe me? Just ask for the nutritional handout at the restaurant.
Its not my fault if I sell swimming pools and people drown in them. Because its common knowledge that PEOPLE CANT BREATHE WATER the same way its common knowledge that FAST FOOD ISN'T TERRIBLY GOOD FOR YOU AND MAKES YOU FAT.
I personally believe the plaintiff should be simply shot on entering the court room. Time to take out the garbage. Its not particularly hard to find food that is quick that isn't that bad for you - if you try. And nobody says you have to eat the giant portions. I typically try to leave 10 to 50% of my meal on my plate when eating out in the US.
At least here in France, the food is awesome but you don't get enough to gorge on. Portions are sane (some might say small - but I feel better after a meal here).
I am out of the country for the duration of the Bush administration. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you when democracy returns.
Post #47,088
7/26/02 5:39:03 PM

Oh Pluuzze yourself
where on those nutritional charts did they warn us that eating their food can lead to high blood pressure, heart attacks, hardening of the arteries, irratible bowel disease, or other illnesses? At least cigarette smokers get warned that cigarette smoke causes cancer in lab rats. Even still, smokers were able to get a large sum of money from the tobacco companies despite the warnings.
Thing is, the fast food is addictive. many of us got hooked on it before they even had nutritional charts, and even then they didn't warn us that eating the food for a long time could lead to many illnesses.
I agree, it shouldn't be eaten, it is not fit for human consumption. But they always have specials in the store that give you a price break if you buy more food and drinks. Like that 59 cent Supersize for the value meals, what is up with that? Gives you a larger fries and a larger drink.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #47,107
7/26/02 8:41:37 PM

Simple test:
Did the entity in question conspire to conceal the health risks of consuming their product?
In the case of the tobacco industry, it can pretty well be argued that they went out of their way to try and conceal what they had discovered themselves - that their own product was killing people.
Has a similar smoking gun come out for the fast food industry? I.E., have they purposefully attempted to hide the fact that their food isn't good for you? I've known since about age 8 (22 years!) that fast food is most definitely BAD for you...
There are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Post #47,108
7/26/02 8:58:44 PM

Yes they indeed did!
They hide it all in commercial advertising that if you ate their food you would have a good time. But spending a week in a hospital because my colon got inflamed from 20+ years of eating Big Macs is not my idea of a good time. I was decieved by Ronald McDonald and other advertising gimmicks, into believing that the fast food was good to eat. Nowhere in their commercials did they reveal that eating fast food was bad for me, and that I would get seriously ill from eating their food over a long peroid of time. I honestly didn't really know it was bad for me until I started having GI problems in my late 20's. But the problem them was that I was already hooked on it and couldn't stop eating it.
Currently I am too poor to eat at fast food joints, and my colon is healing, but it is still in a fvcked up condition.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #47,115
7/26/02 9:39:26 PM

Not informing != Hiding information.
The information was availible.
McD's et. al. did not dispute the information, hide the information, nor make any claims about their food being healthy that I know of. Note the "that I know of."
Apply similar reasoning to automobiles: Wait, nevermind, they actually DO hide safety information from the public. :P
I do sympathize with your position, but a "free money grab" for what is a very legally shaky reason could lead to a "domino effect" - any product that might have injurious side effects that the company did not make an active effort to conceal - I.E., the information was there, and the company did not dispute that information - would become an instant target.
As for the advertising, NEVER trust an advertisement. The whole idea behind an advertisement is to convince you that you are worthless unless you purchase something from the advertiser, whether or not you actually NEED the product.
There are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Post #47,126
7/26/02 11:03:54 PM

No, the information was not available
where was the information that consuming the food over a long peroid of time would cause colon issues? Did McDonald's print that on papers that I could read in their stores? No, they did not. They knew it was bad food, and they served it anyway. They have made no attempt to make their food healthier, or cause less of a chance to develop illnesses.
I am not looking for millions of dollars, just a new colon. I don't want the money, I want my body back in the condition that it should be for my age.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #47,133
7/26/02 11:55:52 PM

Yer missing the point.
Something you do a lot of, honestly.
It isn't McDonald's responsibility to inform you of the risks that their food may present to you. It is your responsibility as a consumer to evaluate the risks, based on availible information, just like it is the McFastFoodChain's responsibility to evaluate whether or not you are a customer that they will accept money from. (Is it your responsibility to inform the retailer, any retailer, if you have a shoddy credit history or a record of bouncing checks?)
If a retailer actively tries to CONCEAL the fact that their product is bad for you, THEN they should be liable. That is different than NOT STATING that their product is bad for you, when you can find the information about the food from other locations, such as the library, various bookstores, the newspaper, etc.
There are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Post #47,145
7/27/02 12:36:06 AM

Oh so
it is perfectly legal to sell someone poison and call it food? How about expired food, a lot of stores do that, they don't even bother to check the expiration date and people buy it and eat it without checking the expiration date. Just ask Boxley about some cheese that he bought that way and the time he had to spend in the ER getting his stomach pumped.
In any case, when McDonald's and KFC first came out, they told mothers to take a break and buy food from them instead of making it. That the food was the same from their place, as the kind she made. Which was false. So moms started bringing home a sack of hamburgers or a bucket of chicken instead of making a meal.
Corps can get socked for selling contaminated beef that has the "Mad Cow" disease in it, but not for gut busting hamburgers that can cause colon cancer?
Is this some sort of SNL skit, like where they sold dangerous Haloween costumes and dangerous toys, and claimed that it was not their fault?
I want McDonald's and the others to serve healthy food, so that others do not get the same problems that I got. Is that too much to ask? Selling healthy food? Most Fast Food is not fit for human consumption. But they don't care, as long as they make a buck. They don't care that loyal customers like me suffer so much pain and discomfort.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #47,151
7/27/02 1:11:45 AM

Stay on topic, please.
it is perfectly legal to sell someone poison and call it food? How about expired food, a lot of stores do that, they don't even bother to check the expiration date and people buy it and eat it without checking the expiration date. Just ask Boxley about some cheese that he bought that way and the time he had to spend in the ER getting his stomach pumped. This is not relevant to the discussion at hand. If you have evidence that McDonalds sell products that are, in the eyes of the law, unfit for human consumption, please show it. I should note that I'm not particularly interested in odd cases, because accidents happen and employees foul up - what you are claiming is systematic sale of unfit food. If something is actually harmful per se, then it must be labelled thus. Burgers are not actually harmful per se. In any case, when McDonald's and KFC first came out, they told mothers to take a break and buy food from them instead of making it. That the food was the same from their place, as the kind she made. Which was false. So moms started bringing home a sack of hamburgers or a bucket of chicken instead of making a meal. So? "Moms" are grown adults, who vote and drive cars. They are capable of making informed decisions about what to feed their families. Apparently. Corps can get socked for selling contaminated beef that has the "Mad Cow" disease in it, but not for gut busting hamburgers that can cause colon cancer? Evidence? Is this some sort of SNL skit, like where they sold dangerous Haloween costumes and dangerous toys, and claimed that it was not their fault? No. I want McDonald's and the others to serve healthy food, so that others do not get the same problems that I got. Is that too much to ask? Selling healthy food? Most Fast Food is not fit for human consumption. But they don't care, as long as they make a buck. They don't care that loyal customers like me suffer so much pain and discomfort. What is "most fast food", and why is it "unfit for human consumption"? If you mean that fast food alone is not a balanced diet, then you'd be right. That's where your cognitive abilities come in, and you EAT SOMETHING ELSE. McDonalds have no obligation to you beyond selling you products that are fit for human consumption in the eyes of the law, and are producing using a process that breaks no laws. As long as McDonalds comply with all relevant legislation, they are discharging their responsibility to you, the customer.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #47,152
7/27/02 1:28:20 AM

my colon problems, and the problems that others have that are involved in this suit should be evidence enough that fast food is unfit for human consumption. Would you like the results of my coloscopy or something?
After avoiding fast food, I have been doing a lot better, but still in a lot of pain. But I suppose that pain and suffering as a result of a company's negilgence is not good enough reason to change the way they do business? A lot of the hamburgers were half-cooked and red inside, or made to sit under a heat lamp for hours until it resembled some kind of rubber product. We must protect the consumer from this type of food and make fast food places serve healthier food. I am not asking for a multi-million dollar settlement, I just want the corps to take responsibility for their actions and make an effort to make their food healthier. Why? Apparently most citizens are hooked on fast food and it has made us obease and a lot sicker than he should be.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #47,153
7/27/02 1:44:39 AM

Re: Evidence
my colon problems, and the problems that others have that are involved in this suit should be evidence enough that fast food is unfit for human consumption. Would you like the results of my coloscopy or something? Your colon problems, unfortunate though they are, are evidence of nothing other than your diet was unsuitable or that you had some other physical issue. After avoiding fast food, I have been doing a lot better, but still in a lot of pain. But I suppose that pain and suffering as a result of a company's negilgence is not good enough reason to change the way they do business? A lot of the hamburgers were half-cooked and red inside, or made to sit under a heat lamp for hours until it resembled some kind of rubber product. We must protect the consumer from this type of food and make fast food places serve healthier food. I am not asking for a multi-million dollar settlement, I just want the corps to take responsibility for their actions and make an effort to make their food healthier. Why? Apparently most citizens are hooked on fast food and it has made us obease and a lot sicker than he should be. EAT SOMETHING ELSE THEN.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #47,138
7/27/02 12:02:36 AM

Hey when yall self rightious fooks :)
pay 8 bucks for a cheesburger like I pay 4 for a pack of chokers you might think twice about bandwagon science. thanx, bill
."Once, in the wilds of Afghanistan, I had to subsist on food and water for several weeks." W.C. Fields
Post #47,373
7/29/02 2:18:46 PM

Thanks for the summary Bill
As always, spot on. I took a lot of these same schmucks to task about this same issue about four years ago and had similar results. We'll see how it plays out now that the "hypothetical" lawsuit I was warning about is now a "real" lawsuit.
You been benefitting greatly from the "education campaign" that the tobacco settlement money is being used for. Or for health care in general? ... or is all that money just being pissed away on roads so that more fucking harmful cars can choke us out? Thought so. Thank God that at least the lawyers can afford to buy the SUV's to kill themselves with. :-)
Just a few thoughts,
As soon as you're born they make you feel small By giving you no time instead of it all Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
J. Lennon - Working Class Hero
Post #47,398
7/29/02 6:02:20 PM

Heh:_____ National Lawyer Day!
{swirling brownish mist + theremin music + the Sweet Stench of Success}
{Ad assembles itself from the detritus ...}
Chip-in and buy *your* lawyer the UAV with the Highest-CG available + underinflated Firestones rescued from the recycle heap (only ~ 16 % o' those rollovers were from any kind o'tire anyway)
Make clear how.. humiliated! you will feel if s/he does not use this vehicle every day! (no fair bringin the SL-500 to work) <<<
Think ya gots a Winner, Dan :-\ufffd
Post #47,435
7/30/02 1:18:34 AM

You got roads?
We just got a bogus "balanced budget" for the year to cover the old Gov's financial shennanigans.
---- United we stand
Divided we dominate the planet without really trying
Post #47,215
7/27/02 5:16:35 PM

"where on those nutritional charts did they warn us that eating their food can lead to high blood pressure, heart attacks, hardening of the arteries, irratible bowel disease, or other illnesses?"
Its [link||COMMON KNOWLEDGE] that they are not particularly good for you if eaten in quantity.
But look, if someone can't quite figure this out with this level of warning, maybe they ought to be out of the gene pool.
I am out of the country for the duration of the Bush administration. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you when democracy returns.
Post #47,218
7/27/02 5:34:47 PM

Re: Bull
But look, if someone can't quite figure this out with this level of warning, maybe they ought to be out of the gene pool. </i.
Maybe I should, but all attempts to kill myself have failed thus far.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #47,238
7/27/02 7:48:43 PM

That's not a happy message and I didn't specifically mean you.
I don't think working on suing the fast food companies is the best use of your valuable time.
I do think working on either your career or a degree is the best thing for you long term.
Very important:
I also want you to proceed directly to the nearest emergency room immediately if you have even a hint of a plan for causing yourself harm or even if things are just seeming unbearable right now. If we were on the same continent and the phone charges weren't going to break us I'd invite you to phone me and talk about it.
Even if you don't go to the ER, I think you need to see your physician at the earliest opportunity. Something is not quite right and neither I, nor anyone else here wants to see you in miserable or in pain.
I am out of the country for the duration of the Bush administration. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you when democracy returns.
Post #47,243
7/27/02 9:36:22 PM

Forget the doctors
all I seem to do is rack up medical bills that I cannot pay off, or that take a long time to pay off. My wife's insurance doesn't cover much. They'll stick me in a hospital, make sure that my blood pressure goes down, hold me for a week, and then discharge me until it happens again. Then they will futz with my medicine again and I'll have to go through an adjustment, then a month or so later I'll be back in the hospital again. I do not want this, but it seems it happens to me anyway.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #47,247
7/27/02 11:06:39 PM

Medicine isn't an exact science
Drug regimes take time to debug and everyone is different. I sympathize with the bills though. It does seem like you're paying for their learning time.
I would try to focus your energies on improving what you can control. The fast food industry isn't one of those things. Your education is.
I am out of the country for the duration of the Bush administration. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you when democracy returns.
Post #47,249
7/28/02 12:06:51 AM

Re: Medicine isn't an exact science
paying for the bills and I have no reliable source of income, save what my wife makes. Unemployment isn't much and it is about to run out. I can't even get hired at these fast food joints.
I am not even sure if I am able to handle classes, I'll try to take what I can. The problem is in financing it and getting those loans approved. I don't have much control over that as well.
Just about everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong for me. Everything is beyond my control so far. There is very little that I do have control over.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #47,266
7/28/02 10:57:14 AM

It can always be worse.
You've actually got it pretty good right now. Yes, you really do. You need to recognize that.
You've got a family. You've got a home. Your wife has a job and your family has some income from her job and your unemployment benefits. You've got training in a field where you can make a living to support yourself in a job you like. You've got work experience in your field. You can learn new skills. Lots of people don't have some or any of that.
For example, my mother is 500 miles away. She's 64, unemployed, has no medical insurance, has a car with 325k miles on it that is totally worn out and won't stay on the road, her electricity and gas are going to be turned off soon due to nonpayment, she was in an auto accident last week and did $500 in damage to someone else's motorcycle, had her licence confiscated by the State Patrol due to lack of car insurance, and is now in the hospital because she had a stroke a few hours after the accident.
(She never told me about the situation she was in, so all of this hit me like a ton of bricks. She's getting help from a social agency where she lives, but things are up in the air until she's ready to be released from the hospital. At that point I'll have a better idea of what I can do to help re bills, car, etc., etc.)
Is she depressed? Yes. Is she moaning about how unfair life is? No. You see, she's been in desperate situations before and has always been able to find a way out. She will this time too. As long as she has the will to fight, she has and will get through her problems.
We don't have debtors prisons in America. There are always ways to get help with financial and other problems if you're willing to seek and accept help.
You need to get out of this funk you're in.
Quit spending so much time here on IWeThey. It doesn't seem that our advice to you is doing much good. In fact, it seems to me that it makes things worse because you feel the need to justify your position.
You need to talk with someone that can shake you out of your mindset.
Go to church this morning and talk with your pastor after the service. Tell him/her you're depressed and you can't seem to see anything good about your situation. Tell him/her you don't know how the future is going to work out. Accept his or her help. Take their advice.
Stop looking for a magic wand (college classes, a job, better medical treatment, winning a lawsuit, etc.) to wave all your problems away. Life is full of problems and you're going to have problems all your life. We all do. You've got to find a way to work your way through them.
You're not going to get a job by bombarding companies with resumes. You're going to get a job by figuring out what you want to do then finding a place where you want to work, and then figuring out what it takes to make yourself the best candidate. (That means getting to know someone at the company - most jobs are filled by friend-of-a-friend referrals, not want ads.) And doing what it takes!
Best of luck. And hang in there.
No need to reply to this. It's a new day. Make it the first day of your new beginning.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #47,270
7/28/02 1:00:45 PM

Well said.
"Television: chewing gum for the eyes." -- Frank Lloyd Wright
Post #47,281
7/28/02 4:26:44 PM
