I'd bet - from one o them Imam thingies. <<

Now my Gramma'd know... what to do with a one who'd contradict! the sweet homilies of one o' her fav Oracles:

1) Listen to the points in the rebuttal and weigh the merits of the arguments + the overall efforts on either side - to sway thoughtfulness with knee-jerk emotionally-charged slogans? - and reach her own conclusions.

2) Eyes glaze over at the first denial of a personally-fav. phrase. Dismiss the balance as Proof of Concept:

Obviously an Imam has gotten to this poor boy, robbed him of his Patriotism and turned him against God&(My)Country. Since he is lost to us forever: *burn him, that he might see the error of his twisted life, after he has rotted in Purgatory a bit before the eternal damnation starts. (But we Love Him and merely Hate His Sins\ufffd)

* See. I *Know* just how God will handle such a one; I read it in one of Her His Books.

Fie on thee Brandioch! Thy feeble attempts to undermine the theology of a True Patriot shall see thee soon feeling God's Mercy in All Its Glory: get thee to a Nunnery.

(just tryin to set you on the path to Goodness and Righteousness, you lost miserable wretch. Y'know?)